Denver paid people to bike in ‘a fascinating psychological experiment.’ Here’s what 6 riders learned
"The program was funded through the Climate Protection Fund sales tax voters approved in 2020...Of the three groups, those paid $1 per mile ended up biking the most number of miles. Those who received both training and $1 per mile experienced the most long-term changes in commuting behavior. "
Quit Saying This Stuff
"Let’s get the big one out of the way first. “Cyclists don’t stop at stop signs and/or don’t seem to understand the rules of the road.” Yeah, cyclists bend the traffic laws. We’ve all seen it. Studies show that drivers do, too, at a similar rate. Speeding, tailgating, rolling through stop signs, texting and driving drunk...I’m just pointing out that traffic laws may be the most commonly unheeded laws we have."
Indianapolis man pushed, punched teen for riding motorized bike
"The vehicle’s driver — later identified as Indianapolis resident Jason Harrell — stopped next to the boy, extended his arm out of the van and pushed the teenager off of his bike. Following that, Harrell drove down the street, turned around and pushed the boy again"
Looks like a pretty big bike. Maybe an electric motorcycle instead? The kid's only 14 though.
Via BikingInLA: If you’re planning to snatch a $15,000 racing bike while the owner is having lunch with his friends, maybe make sure they’re not elite cyclists first.
Elite cyclists easily catch thief trying to steal $15,000 bike
Michigan: Bicyclist killed in downtown Grand Rapids was stagehand, driver had prior arrest
The driver, who is being investigated for DWI, came flying off an exit ramp and blew through a red light before hitting Steve Dowhan, 53.
Trying to reason with firestorm season, bikes better for evacuations, and alleged Mammone killer competent to stand trial
Biking in LA managed to get a new article up this morning (with a nod to Jimmy Buffett in the title).
"I sincerely hope you and your loved ones are safe as I write this. But if you’ve been affected by the wildfires, let me know. Tell me if you have a crowdfunding page, or if there’s anything we can do to help."
Reno is ready for bike advocates to resume their efforts
"Now the political climate, public support and even business support have increased. Shops like E-bike Hub and Pedego are joining advocates again.
Tens of millions of dollars are planned to be spent on bike infrastructure. Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve and the City Engineer Kerrie Koski have developed innovative protected bike lanes with pilot projects that I think put them at great political risk."
Chicago sets record with 11 million trips on Divvy bikes and shared scooters in 2024
"The total number of 11,028,554 trips includes rides on shared Divvy bikes, alongside rides on shared scooters from Divvy, Lime, and Spin, according to CDOT spokeswoman Erica Schroeder. That's compared to 8,745,481 trips on Divvy Bikes and scooters; and Lime, Spin and Superpedestrian scooters in 2023."
Chicago sets record with 11 million trips on Divvy bikes and shared scooters in 2024
California clarifies ebike rules:
(1) A vehicle with two or three attain a speed greater than 20 miles per hour on motor power alone or to attain more than 750 watts of power.
(2) A vehicle that is modified to attain a speed greater than 20 miles per hour on motor power alone or to have motor power of more than 750 watts.
(3) A vehicle that is modified to have its operable pedals removed.
New California law makes crystal clear which electric bikes are now 'illegal'
Tar Heel Cyclists Give Themselves the Xmas Gift of Safety
"In a bit of holiday-themed tactical urbanism, they granted their own wish — if only on one block, for one hour — by buffering a downtown bike lane with a merry row of gift-wrapped boxes.
City officials caused no interference and no boxes were harmed by Grinchy drivers — though one motorist pulled over to steal a gift and drive away."
See It! Tar Heel Cyclists Give Themselves the Xmas Gift of Safety — Streetsblog USA
A tour of bike parking gems in southeast Portland
"Knowing that my destination has a secure, accessible place to lock my bike seals the deal and gives me an added peace of mind. I am more eager to patronize businesses that go the extra mile to accommodate bikers. And many times, secure bike parking is the deciding factor between biking or driving."
New study wants to hear from older cyclists who pass out while riding
(They're a little confused though, as they say older but also want riders aged 50, who are in the prime of life)
""We have surveyed two bike clubs and found 25 people who have had this accident. Injuries can be quite serious including potential fatalities. This is an accident type generally not known in the medical community and as a result, upon treatment, no cause is generally found."
New study wants to hear from older cyclists who pass out while riding
10 Indianapolis cyclists share what drivers can do to keep them safe on the road
"“The best way I could sum up a piece of advice is to see the humanity in a cyclist. You know, that’s somebody’s mother, sister, brother, father, whatever.”
10 Indy cyclists share what drivers can do to keep them safe on the road
There are just two GBFS (General Bikeshare Feed Specification) sources in Indiana, for the Indianapolis Bird and Pacer bike shares.
Women on Wheels experience the joy of learning to ride a bicycle later in life
"In short:
The Women on Wheels program has women teaching other women, trans, and non-binary people with little or no cycling experience to ride.
Since the program launched last year about 80 students have experienced the joy of learning to ride later in life.
What's next?
The program aims to narrow the gender gap in the cycling community"
Daughter's question pushes mum to act on lifelong cycling regret
Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo backs call to ban ‘killer’ SUVs following death of cyclist
"The mayor of Paris has backed calls to ban SUVs from the city as she warned the heavy vehicles could become “weapons” against other citizens.
The city council adopted a motion on Friday that calls on the government to bar sports utility vehicles (SUVs) from within Paris’s perimeter, along with any marketing that promotes their use."
Glad that Calbike's endorsed candidates mostly won their races, but you have to wonder if they really only endorsed people who keep their arms folded?
Open letter to Santa Monica City Council: Bike safety enforcement doesn't just mean giving cyclists tickets.
"The purpose of the grant is to fund more Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Enforcement Operations by the Santa Monica Police Department, in which officers ticket anyone who commits a violation on the road that could endanger vulnerable road users.
But as you’ll see below, that isn’t always enforced equally, fairly or equitably."
2. People who bike because they can't afford cars. We hear a lot about how only elites cycle and we have to make sure that working-class people who have to drive have plenty of space to do it. But we never see anyone trying to accommodate the people who bike everywhere because they don't have a car, even though they wish they did.
Two things cycling advocates should focus on:
1. Getting older people to bike. Around here whenever infrastructure comes up in the city council or a commission or something, someone always says, "Oh, I'm afraid my cycling days are behind me so I'm not interested in this". These people need to try out electric tricycles at the very least!
Vehicle made of e-scooter and exercise bike welded together is seized by cops
"The rider was stopped and found without the relevant documents to be using the vehicle." which begs the question, what exactly were the relevant documents? They forgot to apply for their welded-together-escooter-and-exercise-bike license?
Bizarre vehicle made of e-scooter and exercise bike is seized by cops
Tessie Reynolds: Pioneering cyclist
In 1893 Reynolds set a record for cycling the 120 miles from Brighton to Hyde Park in London and back.
"Her extraordinary efforts, however, were widely frowned upon as she was wearing pantaloons under a long coat, rather than the impractical long dresses and tight corsets women were expected to wear at the time. Cycling magazine even called the feat a ‘lamentable incident’ due to the ‘scantiness’ of her outfit."
Boebert Bashes Bike Benefits
“American taxpayers’ hard-earned money is being wasted on covering bicycle commuting expenses such as bicycles, bicycle locks, bicycle parking, storage, bicycle safety equipment, bicycle improvements or accessories, including reflective lights, racks, bicycle repairs and general maintenance, personal safety and protective equipment, including high-visibility safety apparel, headwear, and bicycle gloves”
Dayton: Why the Amazing “E-Link” Electric Bicycles Aren’t Around Campus Anymore
"Founded to enhance urban mobility, promote sustainable transportation, and provide “last mile” transportation throughout the urban core, the program provided accessible biking options for students and Dayton residents. However, factors like increased insurance costs and overall operational expenses have led to the difficult decision to halt services. "
Cycling and Older Adults: Insights from the 50+ Cycling Survey
"Some older cyclists get a different bike, such as a tandem, trike, or e-bike. Others change where they cycle by limiting their rides to trails or with others...cycling remains an attractive option for those looking to stay active and independently mobile. For many older adults, cycling can be a key mode of transportation for independent mobility"
Child injured after car-bike collision in Marshall County
Biking In LA comments: "A local Indiana TV station somehow blames an 11-year old boy for running into the side of a moving car on his bicycle, without apparently considering the possibility that the driver cut off the kid or drove way too close to him."
We haven't heard the boy's perspective yet, if we ever will.
11-year-old injured after hitting vehicle on a bike in Marshall County
Vision Zero Taskforce appointees and first meeting announced
"The Vision Zero Taskforce, dedicated to improving safety for pedestrians and cyclists across the city by reducing traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries to zero."
There's just one person listed as a biker in the list, and they represent the "Recreational Cycling Community". They really need a "Commuting Cyclists" representative as well.
#Indianapolis #VisionZero #cycling
Teenager who died in Tualatin crash was riding some kind of electric motorcycle
"The teen was riding an Amyet S8. On the seller’s website, it’s advertised as an “electric bike” having a top speed of 35 mph and it comes with a dual-battery, 2000W motor — twice the legal size of an e-bike. Regardless of what the company or the police say, this is not an “e-bike” according to Oregon law."
Washington Street traffic calming
Bloomington's Washington Street is getting some speed humps and some twiddling of the parking. I suggested they might consider a parking-protected bike lane, but I suspect restriping is out-of-scope here.
Leave your feedback here:
S Washington St. Traffic Calming | City of Bloomington, Indiana
Merchants say Bigfoot exists
And also, bike-ped upgrades on Chicago's Lincoln Avenue “could put existing shops out of business”. Streetsblog debunks this unscientific nonsense from Block Club Chicago, but leaves open the possibility of hirsute cryptids roaming Lake Shore Drive.
How cities can use shared micromobility data for transportation planning and policy
This study, focused on Bloomington and Washington, D.C, gleaned insights on micromobility from Lime trip data. (Bloomington's response was to summarily throw Lime out on their micromobile ear, for some reason. I do not understand this.)
"About a quarter of street segments have bike infrastructure, yet these lanes account for nearly 60% of
Lime trips."
Bike Rack Map
"Too many times, an establishment provides a rack that is difficult to lock to, or installed too close to a wall, or inadequately attached to the ground (always test a rack before you lock your precious bike to it, in case its bolts are loose and easily removed!). Bike Rack Map has a rating system whereby users can give a rack between one and five stars – five stars are of course reserved for only the most wonderful"
Where Can a Body Safely Park a Bike? - Streetsblog California
For Whom The Bell Tolls: A rider puts a bell on his bike
"My world changed when I finally broke down and installed that fun little bell on my bike.
The dinging bell still provoked the occasional flailing, and dramatic jumps. But sometimes, people even said “thank you” and waved. It was like an entirely new world! Certainly, no more admonitions about shouting, though not everyone was happy with how early, or late, or frequently I rang my little bell."
Idaho Stop study shows cyclists did not behave in unsafe ways under bicycling rolling stop laws.
"A networked driving and bicycling simulator experiment to evaluate drivers and bicyclists understanding of the BRS law. Sixty participants successfully completed a networked simulator experiment where a “live interaction” occurred at a stop-controlled intersection between a participant in the driving simulator and a participant in the bicycling simulator."
Gaudreau brothers killed by drunk driver while biking
"NHL player John “Johnny Hockey” Gaudreau and his younger brother Matthew Gaudreau were struck and killed by a suspected drunk driver while riding their bikes in Salem County, New Jersey, police said...Investigators said Higgins was suspected of being under the influence of alcohol. He was arrested and charged with two counts of death by auto"
NHL player Johnny Gaudreau, brother Matt Gaudreau killed by drunk driver in NJ, police say
Indana Avenue design suggestions released
Either a two-way street with painted bike lanes, or one-way for cars and two-way, semiprotected bike lanes. Not sure I care since the difference is mostly how it's painted, but I'd really like to see Kirkwood and Dunn closed to traffic, and Indiana would have to be two-way to allow for that.
@bloomington_in #cycling #bikelanes
Indiana Avenue Safety Improvements | City of Bloomington, Indiana
Baltimore: Funding Awarded for Projects to Reduce Emissions, Improve Pedestrian Safety
$10M awarded overall. $3M goes to EV chargers, but still a lot of interesting projects. Bike/ped improvements on Maryland 190, new bikeshare stations and paths in Rockville, Magruder Branch Trail, a shared use path in Gaithersburg.
#Baltimore #UrbanPlanning #BikeShare #cycling
Funding Awarded for Projects to Reduce Emissions, Improve Pedestrian Safety
Bloomington 4th on Most Improved Cities for Biking list
"In 2023, Bloomington reduced speed limits for all neighborhood streets to 25 miles per hour, contributing to a 17-point increase in its City Ratings score. In recent years, Bloomington also expanded its network of neighborhood greenways and constructed numerous road-adjacent shared-use paths and protected bike lanes like the 7-Line."
@bloomington_in #cycling #UrbanPlanning
California Department of Transportation to repave El Camino Real, add bicycle lanes
Sounds good, but...
"Cycling club adviser Natalie Docktor said finding alternative routes to improve bicycle safety might work better for both cyclists and businesses.
“Businesses need parking to stay in business. It would be best to find a parallel street and create a bike lane”
What is she advising them to do? Drive cars?
#PaloAlto #cycling #CarsRuinEverything
(High school paper)
California Bikeway Classifications
"Each class of bikeway has its uses and pros and cons. Class I paths are the most comfortable and enjoyable for the widest range of users. However, space constraints limit where they can be placed, and their separation from local amenities can make them more suitable for recreation or commuting than running errands."
Biking in LA is in fine rage form today.
"Despite at least four deaths on the same section of roadway in just nine years, some people still seem to think they should have the unfettered, God-given right to go zoom zoom whenever and wherever they want, innocent lives be damned."
Cycling Over Sixty
"The podcast features insightful interviews with experts in exercise, nutrition, and various health topics. From seasoned cyclists to leading specialists, these guests offer valuable advice and guidance to Tom on his mission to achieve and sustain optimal fitness."
There really needs to be a good outreach plan for older cyclists. For one thing, they're the ones who vote!
Pedalling for change — How cycling became a tool of liberation for Karachi’s women
"A local vendor reached out to me - “If you get girls onboard, I’ll take care of the cycles”. The proposition seemed like a dream come true. Excited, I floated the message in our WhatsApp group and got my first signup forming That Crazy Cyclist, our beloved girl’s cycling group. What started with two cycles quickly grew into 12 cycles within a month."
#cycling #WomensRights #Pakistan
What the Dutch Think of America’s Roundabout Capital
"YouTuber BicycleDutch visited one of the few American cities to embrace the roundabout with open arms: Carmel, Indiana. And along the way, he explores how the city’s 150+ (!) roundabouts feed into an impressive walking and cycling network, what impact it’s had on the local economy, and how on earth all this stuff got built in conservative, small-city America."
#CarmelIN #cycling #UrbanPlanning
Friday Video: What the Dutch Think of America's Roundabout Capital — Streetsblog USA
Bloomington quietly puts up plans for protected bike lanes on Indiana Avenue
Indiana Avenue Safety Improvements | City of Bloomington, Indiana
Indianapolis Offers Free Bike Share to its Residents
"Starting today, Marion County residents can register for a free annual IndyRides Free pass for Pacers Bike Share, coinciding with the launch of 325 new e-bikes available for public use.
The sleek white e-bikes, distinguishable from the gold classic bikes, are now stationed at 50 bikeshare hubs across the city, ready to be accessed via the BCycle mobile app."
Bicycling grew more in Chicago than in any other major American city in the last five years
"According to an analysis sponsored by CDOT, bicycling has grown more in Chicago than in any other major American city in the last five years. The study showed a 119% increase in biking between fall 2019 and spring 2023, marking the largest jump among the country’s 10 largest cities."
In New Orleans' bike culture, Black cyclists find 'therapy,' community
"Groups such as Get Up N Ride are an essential piece of New Orleans' strategy to become more bike-friendly, as officials say bike lanes can make roads safer for cyclists and drivers alike.
The city moved in 2019 to add 75 more miles of lanes and paths to New Orleans’ flat terrain, a project that was initially expected to last just two years. But it has faced numerous delays"
In New Orleans' bike culture, Black cyclists find 'therapy,' community
Kentucky: Why do bicyclists not have to pay road usage tax?
"The simplest answer is because bicycles aren’t motor vehicles.
The Department of Revenue says the “Motor Vehicle Usage Tax is a tax on the privilege of using a motor vehicle upon the public highways of Kentucky and shall be separate and distinct from all other taxes imposed by the Commonwealth. That six percent tax is paid on every motor vehicle used in Kentucky."
Good Question: Why do bicyclists not have to pay road usage tax?
Donors from outside the district are pouring money into a Baltimore city council race where the hot-button issue is bike lanes.
"In one of the few areas where her campaign language gets specific, Bruner-Settles says she’ll get rid of the bike lanes that Dorsey ushered in on Harford Road and Walther Avenue as well as the bus lanes that were added to the Harford Road Bridge."
#cycling #UrbanPlanning #Baltimore
An intense City Council race breaks out in northeast Baltimore | Baltimore Brew
Columbus Department of Public Service tests bike lane width and protections at pop-up event
Not one but TWO avid bicyclists are quoted in this piece!
"The Columbus Department of Public Service held a pop-up event Wednesday afternoon along East Broad Street on the East Side to test out quick-build bike barriers intended to create protections for bicyclists by providing separation from vehicle traffic that would reduce the risk of being struck."
Columbus Department of Public Service tests bike lane width and protections at pop-up event
Philadelphia: Activists partied to stop cars from parking in bike lanes
This story is depressing for its implicit assumption that churchgoers have no way to attend church if they don't drive cars. Sure, "Some are elderly with mobility challenges while others are young families" but that implies that some are not. Can they carpool? Take the bus? Ride bikes?
#cycling #Philadelphia #CarsRuinEverything
Outside this Philly church Sunday, activists partied to stop cars from parking in bike lanes
John Whitmire Is a 20th-Century Mayor in 21st-Century Houston.
"After two pedestrians were fatally struck by cars within 24 hours, Whitmire called for better enforcement of traffic laws and urged bicyclists to stay off the roads. “I think the bikers need to be protected from the traffic, and they need to do that on bike paths that are recreational and not try to compete with people going to work and school,” he told a local TV station."
@sfwrtr @Patrickoldhiker @joat @Shanmonster Bicycles. Pretty limited range of course, but way better than walking. #cycling
Your Ultimate Guide to Biking in Memphis
I'm glad this article _exists_, but I would hope that it would take more than 600 words to really have the ultimate guide. Also it only covers recreational cycling, not commuting.
Washington, DC: Bike lanes rejected in favor of more parking
"Initial plans from DDOT had a protected bike lane on Connecticut Avenue as part of safety improvements but Director Sharon Kershbaum told the Council Thursday they weren’t moving forward with that plan...One thing that will happen is changing the current parking restrictions on the outer lanes during rush hour. We’re going to turn those primarily into parking lanes full time."
PHOTOS: Little 500 caps of Spring Series with Miss N Out and Team Pursuit
@bloomington_in #cycling #Little500
Bike to the 500 to return for 9th year
"Tickets for an escorted bicycle ride to the Indianapolis 500 are available for a ninth year, Indianapolis Motor Speedway said Tuesday.
Bike Indianapolis will present Bike to the 500 with two departure times — 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. — on race day, May 26. The 5-mile route begins at The AMP at 16 Tech market, 1220 Waterway Boulevard, and ends with valet parking at Gate 1."
78-Year-Old Cyclist Taken to Hospital After Crash, Damage to Car Estimated at $4,000
City Councilman Injured When SUV Strikes Bicycle - KIWA Radio
Providence city council members are lining up in opposition to Mayor Brett Smiley’s plans to remove bike lanes.
"The political move marks the culmination of frustrations over Smiley's hints that he may temporarily remove city bike lanes to make way for heavy traffic created by the state's Washington Bridge shutdown, which will now last years as the westbound span of the bridge is replaced."
City Council members want to save Providence's South Water Street bike lanes. What to know.
Meeting on the High Street multiuse path
It should be interesting, especially after the enthusiastic discussion about the Second Street redesign a few months ago. Will the High Street residents be as excited?
Bike the Cycling Capital of America
(I am fairly sure this isn't an April Fool's joke)
The Elroy-Sparta bike trail has three rock tunnels and five small towns along its 32-mile route.
"The 22-mile La Crosse River State Trail has been developed from the abandoned Chicago and Northwestern Railroad between Sparta and La Crosse..the scenery is a prairie setting with patches of farmland, forests and wetlands."
A new book from an alumni of the first Little 500 women's race
“Willkie Sprint” chronicles that historic school year, as Hellmuth joins the team of the same name (an homage to their dorm, Willkie Residence Hall) trains with and befriends her teammates, and participates in 100 grueling laps on race day to become the first-ever Little 500 women’s champions in 1988."
I lived in Willkie that year. No memory of the race at all though.
@bloomington_in #cycling #Little500
Madison-born author breaks away with memoir of historic bike race
Austin's Bluff Springs Road improvements
"The city reconfigured what was a four-lane road into one with just one travel lane in each direction, plus protected bike lanes and a center turning lane."
#Austin #UrbanPlanning #cycling
Greenfield council strikes bike licensing ordinance as city gears up for cycling
"The law required bicyclists to register the bikes they were riding. “I had no idea that was even a thing,” said Teri House Gottschalk, who is in charge of bringing hundreds of cyclists to the city each year as coordinator of the Hancock Flat 50 bike race in August."
Why is the right at war with cyclists?
"Cyclists are impossible to categorise; you might just as well try to build a theory of mind for pedestrians. Some of us are rude, some of us are not; some of us shoot red lights and won’t wear hi-vis; some of us obey the rules of the road and behave very responsibly. Some of us think we are looking after our health and fighting the good fight against climate catastrophe; some of us just like getting places faster."
San Francisco offers #ebike rebates
"Electrify My Ride offers SFPUC electricity customers with low incomes $1,000 off the purchase price of a new e-bike from participating local bike shops."
New connector between Des Moines' High Trestle and Raccoon River Valley trails, colloquially known as the "High Raccoon" 😂
"The half-mile-long High Trestle bridge is dramatically framed with a series of offset diagonals"
"Ever since the High Trestle Trail opened 13 years ago, there's been a gap between Woodward, its western terminus, and Perry..the last 2 miles of that 9-mile gap will disappear under an extension of the High Trestle Trail"
How will a 9-mile Des Moines bike trail open a world of possibilities?
Paris to showcase what a real bicycle city looks like during Summer Olympics
"In the lead-up to the Games, at least 415km of cycle routes are due to be added and available for locals and visitors in time for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and as a legacy for the city following the completion...poised to introduce “pedestrian hearts” in each district...this initiative reserves areas for pedestrians, cyclists, and public transport"
They're extending the B-Line up to 17th Street this summer, which is pretty great. Sure wish they'd work on the North Dunn path though!
"Bike lanes are incredibly efficient. They generate no traffic unless there are astronomical numbers of cyclists in them. This can easily be perceived as “emptiness,” but does not mean the bike lane is not used..cycling on the street increased by more than 100 percent following the installation of the lane — more recent bicycle counts show a continued increase since."
I wonder if there are any studies on bike lane perceived emptiness.
Understanding Car Culture 'Denialism' Can Help Safety Advocates Respond - Streetsblog New York City
This Electric Bicycle Could Solve The Urban Transport Problem
Except that it's not a bike. There's a whole slew of small electric vehicles on the way, bigger than bikes, smaller than cars, and this seems like just another one of those. How they will be regulated is not clear to me, but we better not be seeing these in the bike lanes!
This Electric Bicycle Could Solve The Urban Transport Problem
Anyone have experience with this $800 Propella? Asking for a friend.
"Not the most powerful, but maybe enough for an old fart like me to ride on the beach path or putter to the market?
I was thinking of a fat tire Rad Rover, and still might go that way, but this is much cheaper. I understand that it is not nearly as powerful, and maybe can’t “self propel” the way a Rad Rover could."
#ebike #cycling
7S — Propella Electric Bikes Lightweight Commuter E-Bikes
Bloomington hosting Bike to Earth Day where you can learn about electric cars 🤨
I wonder if there will be any vehicles there other than giant pedestrian-killing superheavy SUV's.
City to install barriers along Third Street bike lane
And they can't do this soon enough!
"the barriers are necessary because drivers illegally stop and park inside the bike lane, causing safety concerns for cyclists, bus operators and other drivers.
“A protected bike lane creates a physical barrier between cyclists and vehicular traffic – deterring undesired use and providing a more predictable environment for all road users."
Nine cases of stolen electric bikes
I wonder how they managed to break through a u-lock? That's not easy.
"This is an increase from the four cases of e-vehicle theft in January.
Incidents included e-vehicles locked with cable and U-style locks, and each theft occurred while the e-vehicle was parked at a bike rack, according to the notice."
Hawthorne Greenway update meeting.
Background is that the NIMBY's who live along Hawthorne came out in force to oppose this greenway. It was approved anyway, but they appealed to our new mayor. She decided to continue with the project, and this is a meeting with her where she explains why. Several city councilmembers are there too.
She goes over why it's not expensive, and how it's a foundational greenway.
@bloomington_in #cycling #GreenWay
Hawthorne & Weatherstone Neighborhood Greenway | City of Bloomington, Indiana
The Great American Rail-Trail
"A grand scheme of the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy to build a continuous, off-road multi-use trail from the National Mall in Washington, D.C. to the Pacific Ocean in Washington State — a trail across the entire United States."
This article is more about connecting #Minnesota to the trail, but it's pretty interesting.
Kokomo man arrested after intentionally hitting bicyclist
"Police say 57-year-old Charles Thompson was also driving westbound on Markland Avenue in a green 1996 Chevrolet pickup truck. According to the preliminary investigation, Thompson allegedly drove over the curb and on to the sidewalk, striking the 42-year-old man from behind. Thompson then allegedly fled the scene."
72-year old Florida woman killed when her bicycle was rear-ended by a 92-year old woman driving a truck
"The driver failed to see a 74-year-old woman from Morriston riding a bicycle in front of her in the eastbound lane. The front of the truck collided with the back of the bicycle, throwing the cyclist off onto the shoulder of the road."
How to get to Mardi Gras by bike
"The Purple Way is a route recommended by Bike Easy for folks to safely and conveniently get to and from Mid-City, Uptown and the French Quarter without navigating traffic gridlock and searching for a parking spot.
The route incudes the Lafitte Greenway, an off-street bike and pedestrian trail from Mid-City to the Quarter."
Best not to have your bike at Carnival, I'm thinking. Use a bikeshare instead.
#cycling #NewOrleans #MardiGras
Zach Bryan rides a bike!
From X:
"Went and got some mushrooms and blasted ‘lawyers guns and money’ 60 times with my girlfriend while riding a tandem bike in Amsterdam today this has to be sandbox mode"
U of Illinois engineering students mastermind bike for boy
Hats off to a trio of University of Illinois engineering students, who designed a fully custom bike, complete with adaptive handlebars, gear hub and frame, to allow an eight-year old boy with a form of dwarfism to ride a bike for the first time.
#cycling #UniversityofIllinois
The Best New U.S. Bike Lanes of 2023
Great pictures in this article. I really want to go visit all these places!
"From bustling cities to small towns, communities from coast to coast amplified their commitment to better biking with an unprecedented surge in safer, more comfortable places to ride in 2023...thousands of additional projects planned across the country"
How to Make New York City More Car-Friendly 😂
"* Take out the two bad traffic lights under the green one.
* Why do bicycles (slow cars with no windows) have entire lanes dedicated to them? What’s next? Lanes for skipping rope? Hopscotch lanes? Lanes dedicated to pugs with GoPros riding skateboards? Sounds a little silly to me.
* Central Park? I couldn’t find anywhere to park in that place! Pave it."
#NewYork #cycling
How to Make New York City More Car-Friendly
Wisconsin senate passes bills targeting naked bike rides
"Lawmakers in the state Senate approved two bills that seek to ban naked bike ride events...It comes in response to a naked bike ride event last year when the Madison Police Department received multiple complaints alleging a 10-year-old girl participated in the event. However, the Dane County district attorney later determined no state laws were broken."
Chicago is coming off an “incredible year for cycling”
They've installed 27 miles of “new and upgraded protected bike lanes,” built 18 miles of neighborhood greenways, and distributed 1,900 free bikes.
"The Divvy bike rental system is at an “all-time high,” up 70% since 2019, David Smith said. Overall bike trips on an “average weekday” have increased by 120% over the same period."
A new mayor in Nashville provides hope for biking in the city
"Nashville faced an unexpected distinction in 2023 – it was crowned America’s worst commuting city, surpassing urban hubs like New York and Los Angeles."
New mayor Freddie O’Connell is apparently a trusted advocate for the cycling community. I have a trip to Nashville tentatively planned this summer, so hopefully I can try some biking around town and see what it's like.
Ohio Judge charged in crash with bicyclist
"Judge R. Scott Krichbaum has been charged with reckless operation and overtaking/ passing vehicles headed in the same direction after he allegedly struck a bicyclist...traveling northbound on Sharrott Road, and Kirchbaum's car was heading in the same direction when he allegedly hit the bicyclist."
#ohio #cycling
Mahoning County Judge charged in crash with bicyclist
E-bike advert banned as it ‘discredits entire car sector’
‘Some images in the reflection of the car are, in our opinion, unbalanced and discredit the entire car sector. The images of factories/chimneys and an accident create a climate of fear so they will have to be adapted.’
Illinois Supreme Court reaffirms the 1998 Boub V. Wayne case that endangered bike riders
"Not only did this ruling make it harder for bike riders to recover damages if they crash on a poorly maintained Illinois road, it also discourages municipalities from protecting people on bikes by building bicycle infrastructure, because, counterintuitively, that makes them more likely to be held responsible if a cyclist is injured."
Advocates for safe and livable streets were outraged at a feature story in Friday's San Francisco Standard by senior editor Astrid Kane that justifies hatred of cyclists. From "A Bike Lane Moved, and This San Francisco Neighborhood Erupted," under the subheading "Why Do People Hate Cyclists So Much?"
S.F. Standard Fans Anti-Bike Hate - Streetsblog San Francisco
I'm curious to know what kinds of safer roads this guy designs. No mention anywhere of separated bike lanes or traffic calming devices, but lovely platitudes about legislation and wearing bright clothing.
#cycling #Florida #UrbanPlanning
Distracted driving can be deadly for bikers, pedestrians | Commentary
Gifts not to buy for cyclists to avoid a festive faux pas...although if anyone wants to get me the handlebar-mounted barbecue grill I wouldn't say no.
All I want for Christmas is... not this. Gifts not to buy for cyclists to avoid a festive faux pas
New Orleans 'Bonnabel Greenway' will connect the lake to Metairie Road. Some worry it's not safe.
"Van Vrancken said the “Bonnabel Greenway” path, which weaves around the oak trees on the neutral ground, was a fitting compromise. Though it is technically a walking path, it was designed to so it can easily be expanded into a bike path when more money becomes available."
#NewOrleans #cycling #UrbanPlanning
The 'Bonnabel Greenway' will connect the lake to Metairie Road. Some worry it's not safe.
How Chapel Hill and Carrboro are going car-optional
"There are currently 25 miles of greenways and 15 miles of bike lanes to help people get where they need to go in Chapel Hill and Carrboro."
"Chapel Hill Transit provides free bus services for the community, students, and workers including a senior shuttle that provides transportation to various assisted living communities."
#NorthCarolina #cycling #UrbanPlanning
Dec. 9th: Don't miss the Bicycle Garage Indy Toy Ride to and through the Christmas Nights of Lights!
The 7-mile ride starts at the Avondale Meadows YMCA and goes via 39th St. and the Fall Creek Trail to the Indiana State Fairgrounds. Toys will be collected at the event for the 23rd Annual YMCA Holiday Toy Drive.
Open to bicyclists of all ages and decorated bicycles are encouraged!
#cycling #HoosierMast #Indianapolis
California Coastal Commission stalls bike lanes on deadly road in Point Loma
"The thwarted bike lanes in Point Loma demonstrate how the Coastal Commission, and the laws that created it, can make sustainable transportation infrastructure more cumbersome and expensive to install near the coast than elsewhere in San Diego."
California Coastal Commission stalls bike lanes on deadly road in Point Loma
Florida Manager apologizes for drinking and then not driving afterwards
#florida #cycling
City manager apologizes for bicycle incident | News-Leader, Fernandina Beach Florida
No felony charges to be filed against driver who killed two cyclists
"Goodyear police say Pedro Quintana-Lujan, 26, was driving a pickup truck hauling a trailer on Feb. 25 when the vehicle crashed into a group of bicyclists on the Cotton Lane bicyclist died at the scene and another died at a hospital. Nearly everyone in the 20-person cycling group was injured."
County attorney kicks case against driver in deadly bicyclists crash to city court
A Louisville man is dead after allegedly swerving his bicycle into the path of a car Monday night; but the Biking In LA blog wonders,
"It’s possible the victim really did swerve in front of the car. But it’s more likely the driver drifted to the right and was startled to suddenly see a bike rider directly in front of them, and assumed the rider swerved, with no witnesses to contradict it."
If anyone knows more I'd be curious about this.
LMPD: Man dead after swerving his bicycle into path of car on Crittenden Drive
Bloomington Launches a Pilot E-Bike Voucher Program with Incentives Up to $1,000
"All residents may qualify for point-of-purchase vouchers of $500, as long as they meet the eligibility requirements. Low-income residents who provide proof of income may qualify for increased vouchers worth $1,000 towards an e-bike. This program is launching as a partnership with the Bicycle Garage and Revolution Bike and Bean."
Better than no bike lanes. But still, meh.
"INDOT wants to add a painted bike lane in both directions from the State Road 46 bypass to where 10th Street intersects with Pete Ellis Drive and Discovery Parkway. That’s about a 0.19-mile stretch of the road."
City Limits: Why add bike lanes to S.R. 45? What do users think?
Know what would be really useful? Bike stores should take cars as trade-ins. #cycling #BikeTooter #bancars
Memphis has not been considered a bicycling haven. How it's changing, from safety to access
"On the surface, Memphis has many issues that prevent bike culture from thriving. Bike lanes are poorly maintained, pedestrian deaths are higher than in many major cities, and there is little funding for improvements."
I liked riding around the downtown in Memphis, and I'm looking forward to visiting the new park.
Memphis has not been considered a bicycling haven. How it's changing, from safety to access
The single most deadly roadway for bike riders in Los Angeles and Orange counties, the Pacific Coast Highway, claimed the lives of four Pepperdine students on Tuesday.
"The overly wide traffic lanes, high speed limits that were nearly universally exceeded, slip lane right turns and roadside parking were all necessary to prevent excessive traffic congestion, or so we were told."
It's ok to be outraged by this article, but do read the last paragraph before you write your angry letters.
Driver who ‘intentionally struck’ bicyclist in Parma wanted, police say
"Police said he man was behind the wheel of a silver Chevy Trax when he hit the bicyclist at Ridge Road and Gilbert Avenue on Oct. 4.
After striking the bicyclist, the driver took off and headed north on Ridge Road and then turned right onto Pearl Road, according to police.
Police did not report the condition of the bicyclist."
Driver who ‘intentionally struck’ bicyclist in Parma wanted, police say
Discouraged by pushback from the car culture set? Read this:
"Millennials and Gen Zers, who will soon dominate policy-making circles, want walkable communities and lives without cars. That’s good news for the future, but sets up a clash with the naysayers who still have a grip on power (and community boards).
But the revanchists should be aware: their culture war risks backfiring. The abortion fight is a telling example."
Hey, Bike Haters, You Will Lose the Culture War You're Starting - Streetsblog New York City
‘They pay for themselves’: why more Australian families are ditching cars for e-bikes
"In 2017 when states and territories adopted uniform laws on the use of e-bikes, about 9,000 were sold in Australia. Since then sales have doubled each year...While car trip costs include petrol and tolls, “e-bike trips cost in the cents”, Bourke says, noting the average bike costs about 15 cents to charge up."
‘They pay for themselves’: why more Australian families are ditching cars for e-bikes
Six Southern California cyclists have been killed in this past week.
Trucks are for wimps.
Listening in on Bike/Ped commission again. Couple of people last time objected to speed humps on Saratoga; the city got lots of emails supporting them though. Morningside Greenway design passes.
Then the Hillside/Olive intersection is being considered. There is definitely a consensus that crossing Hillside on foot or wheel is a pain.
Bloomington City Council Hamstrings Award-Winning Bike Lanes
"Going west, the hill between Dunn and Walnut isn't nearly as much fun. It's a bit of climb, but at least you can focus on pushing the pedals and not losing momentum as you go up. That is, until the new stop signs are implemented. These will force bikes to stop dead, a third of the way up the hill, and stop dead again two thirds of the way up."
#cycling #BloomingtonIN #UrbanPlanning
Lafayette church lends bikes to international Purdue students
The Salt and Light Christian Fellowship Bike Loan program rents out bikes for students to use during their time at Purdue. Students make a deposit of $50 to $150, which is returned with the bike.
They have over 100 people on the waiting list.
With no explanation, the D.C. government has delayed enforcement of $200 tickets for drivers who block bike and bus lanes.
"Transportation officials say they are extending the warning period indefinitely, citing a desire to have more time to educate drivers while offering little information about the future of a program that aimed to speed up buses."
D.C. delays issuing $200 tickets to drivers blocking bus lanes
71% increase in San Diego biking since 2019
A new report on biking trends across the country found the San Diego metropolitan region saw a 71% increase in biking from 2019 to 2022 — the second largest increase in the country.
The report from consulting firm Streetlight Data is based on national travel surveys and anonymized cell phone location data. It also measured a 37% increase in average daily bike trips across the country.
Report finds San Diego saw 71% increase in biking since 2019
@davidnjoku Does anybody ride bicycles or ebikes in Nigeria? Any bike trails or bike lanes? #ebike #cycling
Oh, here we go again. Let's spend two hours on whether we can put a couple of speed bumps on Hawthorne!
Another commenter suggests that speed bumps are a deterrent to bikers. Bike guy tries to explain they can go *around* them. She pivots to complaining about bumpouts.
Now a bunch of people want to public comment. Public comment is closed. Public commenter wants someone to motion to reopen public comment.
Hit by a car, or hit by a driver? NPR discusses the reasoning behind their headline.
Chicago's new protected bike lanes on Belmont are a game changer
"Thanks to new concrete-protected bike lanes on Belmont, one of the city’s most unpleasant and dangerous intersections is now a choice route for people traveling on two wheels."
Running about a mile from Kimball to Campbell, the new lanes provide safer passage for bike riders under the Kennedy Expressway and over the north branch of the Chicago River.
#Chicago #cycling #BikeLanes
@randahl That is good, but not nearly as good as Denmark's efforts to minimize car travel in favor of walking and biking instead. #Denmark #cycling #bancars
Building a custom bike for Shaquille O'Neal
"The end result, coined The Thomson Beast, was constructed out of titanium and featured "triple tree forks" with handlebars that were 1.3 inches in diameter to fit his large hands.
The wheelbase was ultimately over 55 inches and included a top tube of over 29 inches."
NBA legend Shaquille O'Neal's incredible 36-inch custom bike revealed
Usually European biking headlines are like, "BELGIUM OPENS NEW 100 MILE BIKE TRAIL SYSTEM IN CAPITAL" and American headlines are "BIKES BANNED DOWNTOWN AFTER DRUNK DRIVER KILLS CYCLIST" so in a way this is kind of refreshing.
Cycle lanes scrapped in south-east Spain as council takes pro-car stance
Review of a ride on Idaho’s Coeur d’Alene Trail. Sounds like great fun!
3 Little 500 cyclists hit by cars in three days this week
Beta Sigma Psi rider and sophomore Conor Furlong was hit by a car on 2nd and High Street on Aug. 21; a sophomore Phi Mu rider was hit on David Baker Lane by a driver who left the scene the next day. Finally, on Aug 23, a driver on Law Lane struck Phi Kappa Psi rider and sophomore Hunter Jones.
#cycling #Little500 @bloomington_in
New crosswalk across 17th at the bypass. Won't make the bypass any less terrifying to cross, but it's another option! #BloomingtonIN #cycling
Bicyclist hit, killed by Anderson city vehicle driver
"According to APD, preliminary details show that Barton was riding her bike eastbound on 19th Street when the crash occurred.
“While crossing, [Barton] collided with the Anderson City truck traveling southbound,” APD said in a release."
You’re a Cyclist Who Was Just Struck by a Car Driver. Here’s Why It Was Your Fault
You’re a Cyclist Who Was Just Struck by a Car Driver. Here’s Why It Was Your Fault
Republicans in the House are so worried about their narrow majority they're warning members not to do any activities that could endanger themselves
House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN) told Republicans on a caucus conference call, "Please take care of yourselves. We do not need to lose anybody else."
He went on to explain that he saw Rep. James Comer (R-KY) biking over the weekend.
"Stay off the damn bike," Emmer said.
GOP leader so paranoid of losing majority he demands members not ride bikes and risk injury or death
Watching the Bloomington bike/ped committee meeting. They're talking about Hawthorne again so the NIMBY's look to be out in force. #cycling
North American cities need to push for secure bicycle parking
"As more professionals opt to bike to work, the question looms: where do these bikes go during the workday? Many downtown office buildings and commercial spaces lack the infrastructure to accommodate this influx. Without adequate facilities, these bicycles end up chained to poles, stacked against walls, or worse – left at home."
Long Beach police blame the victim after a woman died when she was apparently knocked off a tandem bike by a hit-and-run driver.
"Police say they sideswiped a stopped car while riding in the bike lane on 2nd Street near Marina Drive.
A more likely explanation, however, is that an impatient driver tried to cut into the bike lane to go around stopped traffic, and hit the pair’s bicycle — something we’ve all seen drivers do before."
Police seek driver of pickup that hit bicyclist and left scene on Ind. 48
"Howell and witnesses said the truck was stopped at a red light when the driver accelerated quickly and turned right, hitting Howell as he rode on Ind. 48 headed for the Karst Farm Park trail...police are keeping an eye out for the truck that hit Howell, described as a late-model tan-metallic Ford F-150 pickup. "
Police seek driver of pickup that hit bicyclist and left scene on Ind. 48
A biker is dead after being struck by a vehicle in a hit and run at E. 34th Street and Leland Avenue, around 11:30 p.m on Saturday.
Bike riders in Barrie, Ontario were fined $180 each for running a stop sign in a community safety zone.
"Stop signs are for everyone, including cyclists," provincial police stated on social media. "Yes, you can get a ticket for not stopping at a stop sign on a bike."
(No word on who speed limit signs are for)
'Yes, you can get a ticket,' Cyclists slapped with hefty fine for blowing through stop sign
This is a weird street design. A single car lane to handle both directions, with bike lanes on either side that the cars jump into in case of conflict, and a car storage area:
storage -> bike lane - car lane - bike lane
Seems a lot safer to have a two-way bike lane separated from the cars:
bike lane -> bike lane -> storage -> car lane
I suppose the car lane would need to be a bit wider to accommodate car conflict getting through.
#BikeLanes #cycling #UrbanPlanning
New Road Design Seems Like A More Efficient Way To Kill Cyclists
Correcting the myths and misinformation regarding Toronto’s bike lanes
"A number of mayoral candidates are not only threatening to rip up existing protected bike lanes that keep cyclists safe, but also adding oxygen to anti-bike arguments and sentiments that are not accurate and create “bike lash” situations...we decided to check in with Alison Stewart, the director of advocacy and public policy at Cycle Toronto"
#Toronto #cycling #UrbanPlanning
Correcting the myths and misinformation regarding Toronto's bike lanes
Fort Wayne woman accused of striking bicyclist and leaving scene
"Huddleston told investigators in the court documents that she was just driving and “having a good time listening to her music.” She thought she struck a pothole and heard a noise, according to court documents.
It wasn’t a pothole. It was the bicyclist, investigators say, who was rushed to the hospital"
Slap on the wrist, I'm guessing.
‘Thought it was a pothole’: Fort Wayne woman accused of striking bicyclist and leaving scene
What are the best bike advocacy organizations out there? Looking for groups that work for more bike lanes/multi-use paths, give bikes to the needy, things like that.
Police Cite Cincinnati Cyclist Hit by Car While Riding in Opposite Bike Lane to Avoid Construction
“There’s a stretch right in between Northside and Camp Washington where the bike lane’s closed on Spring Grove due to construction that’s been ongoing for like the last two years,” he said. “It’s not the entire part, but there’s a bit and it’s confusing and there’s a sign that tells you to cross the street.”
Bloomington's Gold Bike-Friendly status renewed for another four years
"Residents there are also heavily involved in promoting safe streets through a traffic calming program that seeks to lower speeds on roads with high bike and pedestrian traffic. In their application, Bloomington indicated 54 percent of their roads have a signed speed limit of 20 MPH or less."
#BloomingtonIN #cycling
Improvements for the Marvin Braude Beach Trail have reached the finish line
"The Marvin Braude Bike Trail is a 22-mile path that stretches along the Los Angeles County coastline, from Will Rogers State Beach in Pacific Palisades to Torrance County Beach in Torrance. The $6.5 million project connects the City of Santa Monica’s dedicated bikeway and pedestrian path through the City of Los Angeles to Will Rogers State Beach."
Improvements for the Marvin Braude Beach Trail have reached the finish line • The Malibu Times
Southwest Greenway opens in Corktown, Connecting Michigan Central to the Riverfront
"A new connector for bikes and pedestrians has opened just west of downtown. The Southwest Greenway will connect Roosevelt Park and Michigan Central in Corktown to the under-construction Ralph C. Wilson Centennial Park along the West Riverfront on West Jefferson...The Southwest Greenway is also a part of the 27.5-mile Joe Louis Greenway, currently under construction"
#Detroit #cycling
Sooo...Columbus. Whatcha thinking?
"A cyclist is advocating for biking infrastructure in Columbus after a driver threw a drink at him while riding on Wednesday.
The attack marked the second in a week, after the first incident occurred in southwest Columbus. A suspect has been arrested and charged with assault. The second incident happened Wednesday night in the Linden area."
Cyclist calls for protected bike lanes in Columbus after incident with driver
A North Vancouver cyclist is recovering after T-boning a bear in the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve. Cyclist. T-bone. Bear.
"...had to make a split-second decision – either slam on the brakes and come to a stop right next to the equally startled bear, or attempt to scoot around him and keep going.
Unfortunately, Milner and the bear both chose the same exit strategy."
'Glad to be alive': Man T-bones bear while cycling in North Vancouver
Evansville man on a mission to make sure every child can have a bicycle
"A couple kids were riding bicycles, and there was a couple kids that didn’t have bicycles that started talking to me. I asked the two boys where their bicycles were, and they told me that mom couldn’t afford to buy them a bicycle. I told them to come back in a couple days, that I would get on Facebook and talk to my family and friends."
#cycling #HoosierMast #Evansville
Man on a mission to make sure every child can have a bicycle
Culver City to bike and bus riders: drop dead.
The highly successful Complete Streets project received overwhelming public support going late into the night at Tuesday’s council session.
Yet they still voted 3 to 2 to remove the protected bike lanes in favor of a shared bus and bike lane, in order to add another traffic lane so more drivers can go zoom, zoom to their hearts content.
Grading some cities for visiting bikers:
Orlando: D-. No bike share, no bike lanes. Sidewalks with cut-throughs every fifty feet.
Memphis: B-. Most of the city is pretty awful, but the downtown is nice, lots of paths and some streets that are closed to cars. Bike share with ebikes
Lexington: C. They've made an effort to provide some wider paths for pedestrians and bikers, but the traffic is horrendous. Badly needs a few blocks closed to cars. No bike share
Team Melanzana wins the 2023 Women’s Little 500 bicycle race for the second year in a row
#cycling #BloomingtonIN #HoosierMast #Little500
This Florida Town Rode a Rail Trail to an Economic Revival
"Winter Garden made the locally controversial decision to route the West Orange Trail directly through the middle of downtown. Plant Street was reconfigured with the trail running through a large center median (which would become the base for several civic projects to come)."
It's near Orlando, which is lousy for biking as far as I can tell. But I'll visit it if I have a chance!
Culver City, CA considering ripping out their complete streets project
Erie, PA fighting plans for a bike path
Brooklyn Academy of Music fighting a nearby protected bike lane
DC pauses plans to install a protected bike lane on a major six-lane boulevard
"Bob Kotchenreuther, who has run his dry cleaning business for so long that he ended up tattooing the shop name Cleveland Park Valet on his forearm, doesn’t think bikers are his clientele. “It’s hard for them to hold dry cleaning on one hand and steer with the other,” he says."
Yeah, I guess you can't carry all that much stuff on a bike, right people?
#cycling #cargobikes #bikelanes
"My dad always said, ‘No matter what, recession, depression, we’ll still be able to eat.’ Then came bike lanes.” 🤔
Bike/Ped commission met last night. City engineer wanted to add five stop signs across the 7-Line bikeway. Public comment was furious. Commission voted to recommend just one stop sign, on Dunn Street.
Thought I'd try to make some videos with my Christmas GoPro. Here's my first attempt, a ride down Bloomington's 7-Line on the east side.
E-Trikes Are Coming to Rescue the Aging Suburbs
"Battery-boosted three-wheelers are increasingly popular with older riders. But safety fears and the lack of bike-friendly infrastructure could hold them back. "
"Since launching in January, the e-trikes have followed the same arc: More than half of customers coming into stores to ask about the RadTrike have been older adults, according to Radenbaugh."
"When controlling for every other variable possible, residents who drove more were exposed to less air pollution, and vice versa."
Can attest. I add a couple of extra miles to my bike commute to avoid sucking exhaust on the side path of the 45/46 bypass every day.
(And, of course, biking is fun. But don't tell anybody!)
#cycling #BikeTooter #BloomingtonIN #AirPollution
L.A. residents who drive less are exposed to more air pollution, study finds
Anyone have a favorite camp chair that's easy to carry in a bike pannier or basket? #cycling #BikeTooter
Lower income people tend to walk and bike more than wealthier Americans.
"After controlling for a number of observed and unobserved factors, we find that individuals in low-income, car-owning households are associated with up to 14% more walking trips and 33% more cycling trips in a week compared to higher-income households, on average. "
Cleveland bike advocates rejoice after State Rep. Tom Patton pulls amendment that would have killed Midway project
"Cleveland bike advocates were feeling upbeat Thursday, a day after state Rep. Tom Patton said he’d withdraw a controversial amendment to the state transportation budget bill that would have killed a popular bike lane project planned for Superior Avenue in downtown Cleveland." Full credit to mayoral candidate Susan Sandberg for coming out against bike infrastructure. Hopefully we can get her out of there now.
3 Bloomington mayoral hopefuls speak at first forum
Kalamazoo replacing vehicle lanes with bike lanes on Michigan Avenue
"The city of Kalamazoo is planning to add a bike lane, protected by a row of parking, on West Michigan Avenue from South Westnedge Avenue to Portage Street...a one-way street that is five travel lanes wide in some places -- will be reduced to three lanes"
#Kalamazoo #cycling #UrbanPlanning
Michigan Avenue losing vehicle lanes, adding bike lane in upcoming project
North Dakota Bill Would Eliminate DUIs On Bikes, Horses
#NorthDakota #cycling #horsing
Bloomington power grab by a bunch of NIMBY's
#BloomingtonIN #HoosierMast #cycling #UrbanPlanning
Referred to committee: Should city council remove member of Bloomington’s traffic commission for “posting obscene and inappropriate statements…”?
Activists Demand Change After Fatal Crash in Indianapolis
"The “No Turn on Red” signs erected...are routinely ignored. In fact, a citizen-led traffic report conducted at the site—on 86th Street by the Monon Trail entrance—revealed that within a 280 minute period, 86 vehicles turned right on red and one even turned left on red."
#HoosierMast #cycling #Indianapolis
Bloomington's 7-line is on this list of the best new bike lanes.
#BloomingtonIN #cycling #BikeLanes #HoosierMast
Hellscape on Hesperian: Streetsblog shreds the new Hesperian Boulevard Project in San Lorenzo.
I'm not sure whether to laugh at the bad design or encourage them for at least attempting *something*.
#SanLorenzo #UrbanPlanning #cycling
Eyes on the Street: Hellscape on Hesperian - Streetsblog San Francisco
A most bogus decision by Judge Colin Daly in Ireland.
"A 22-year-old cyclist who was injured when knocked off her bike by a truck had contributed to her own injuries by failing to wear a safety helmet, a judge said on Tuesday.
Judge Colin Daly cut Raissa Lopes De Andrade Aquino’s damages award by 20 per cent on the basis of contributory negligence."
Cyclist’s injury award cut by 20% due to not wearing safety helmet
How New Orleans Revived — and Improved — Bike Share
"They proposed that Blue Bikes be run by a new nonprofit called Blue Krewe. The city would provide space for bike racks and waive permit fees...the City Council unanimously agreed. By September 2021, residents were kicking their legs over 500 shiny new rides in neighborhoods throughout New Orleans. Since then, they’ve made more than 289,000 trips."
#UrbanPlanning #cycling #NewOrleans
Bloomington takng feedback on Hawthorne & Weatherstone Greenway
"(The Hawthorne Greenway) is meant to create a safer north-south connection between IU’s campus and the neighborhoods south of Hillside by installing traffic calming structures. The goal is to get people to drive around 15 miles per hour in neighborhoods."
Drop a note to the city if you live around. This is an important part of the Bloomington bike grid.
#HoosierMast #cycling #BloomingtonIN
Thinking about making some GoPro videos about local trails and multi-use paths. Is there a PeerTube instance for urbanists or cyclists? #cycling #BikeTooter #GoPro #video
Naming my ebike "Mike" #cycling #ebike #BikeTooter
Holy mackerel, seems like ebikes are changing the nature of warfare.
"Ukraine is now using these 200-mile-range electric bikes with NLAW rockets to take out Russian tanks"
"Electric motorcycles and e-bikes are rapidly becoming a common tool employed by militaries around the world."
Ukraine is now using these 200-mile-range electric bikes with NLAW rockets to take out Russian tanks
Off the stroad again
I just can't wait to get off the stroad again
Dodging drivers who are texting with their thumbs
I can't wait to be off the stroad again
Colin Unsworth rode naked, 837 miles, from Lands End to John O’Groats with Sadie Tann.
"The couple, who rode a tandem bike, posed naked at various iconic locations during the 837-mile journey, including Edinburgh Castle and the Angel of the North."
Nude cyclist says 'there’s no better place' after Prince Harry sex confession
What's the best way to carry a 12-pack of beer and a carton of dog food on a bike? My pannier tore out and all the pannier reviews only discuss volume, not weight.
This really depresses me. I had the idea that once cycling infrastructure was in place, people would be happy with it. Seems like it's as much a battle to stop it from being taken back out though.
"An online petition calling for the bicycle lanes to be removed "without delay" has received more than 5,000 signatures since it was launched last week."
#cycling #UrbanPlanning #Maryland #BikeLanes
'Disastrous Mess': Drivers Complain About Bicycle Lanes In North Bethesda
Fairly incoherent article on ebikes from CNBC. The argument is something like, ebikes go faster than regular bikes, cars travelling 45MPH are deadly, so ebikes are dangerous. 🤔 But at least it's an article.
#cycling #ebike
Navigating the e-bike boom with America's outdated infrastructure
Very nice trail. I biked out 17th and Vernal to get to it, 17th is under construction but should have a nice bike lane before this time next year. Apparently you can pick up the Heritage trail at the Ellettsville end but I didn't see how to do that.
Decent article on ebikes on NPR. The reporter felt he absolutely had to find a "balancing viewpoint" near the end though 🙄
@chronicallydave A lovely bike route down 7th and Rollo wants to ruin it with stop signs every block. I sure hope he doesn't get reelected.
10 cities where bike commuting is growing fastest in the US
"Of the more than 154 million Americans who commuted to work in 2021, just 616,153 did so by bike...Cars and public transit accounted for more than 120 million of all commutes."
I can't believe I found out about this just as the storm hits.
"The opening of a newly completed segment of the Karst Farm Greenway in Monroe County.
The 2.67-mile asphalt extension accommodates both pedestrians and cyclists...the project extends the existing 4.5-mile trail north to Highway 46 in Ellettsville. The entire trail now covers approximately 7.3 uninterrupted miles.
Utah drivers are killing pedestrians, bicyclists in record numbers
"Utah motorists had hit and killed 15 bicyclists and 52 pedestrians this year...the highest the agency has documented since at least 1994"
"The Department of Public Safety recorded 961 instances of vehicles hitting pedestrians as of Monday. That’s the highest since at least 2016. Vehicles had hit bicyclists 478 times – roughly within the state’s five-year average."
Utah drivers are killing pedestrians, bicyclists in record numbers
"Bicycles, which were purchased by Bloomington attorney Ken Nunn, are given to children for Christmas at the Boys and Girls Club on December 15, 2022 in Bloomington, Ind. Retired Bloomington firefighter Lee Chapman helped organize the giveaway."
(Photo gallery at the link) #cycling #charity #BloomingtonIN #HoosierMast
Biking in LA slaps down an anti-bike lane op-ed in San Diego.
"Just wait until he sees how people drive, in their big, smelly, two-ton death-dealing machines as they text on their phones, roll stop signs and race to the next red light.
Of course, his proof that it’s a rip-off is that he and his husband don’t see bikes in the exact bike lane they’re watching, at the exact moment they’re watching it."
via @mobileharv Columbus, OH City Council Approves Funding for E-Bike Rebate Program
"Columbus residents eager to know how much of a discount the city’s new program will offer and what the eligibility requirements will be will have to wait for those details to be revealed.
“I know folks are probably very excited about their e-bike rebate, but we’ll officially launch the program in spring.” Barroso de Padilla said at the council meeting."
Not sure what I think about this. This police car is blocking the road so the car on the right can be gotten unstuck by a tow truck. But did they really have to block the bike lane too?
#BikeLanes #BikeLaneUprising #cycling #HoosierMast #BloomingtonIN
Attended a public input meeting for a new Greenway, but had to leave. I can't bear listening to the NIMBY's tell us why we can't have the cars drive any slower.
Hey Hoosiers, what's the best way to monitor #INDOT and advocate to them for better bicycle infrastructure?
"I was attacked on my ride in Wellington (Oakdene Road) today. The guy gripped me around my neck & threw me on the ground. He threw me so hard I think I’m still trying to gather myself. He took my bike and rode off."
"The guy threw my bike down in the road at a later stage as the chain came off and he obviously couldn’t ride it anymore."
(My chain falls off all the time. I think we're on to a new security tactic.)
Cincinnati passes Complete Streets ordinance
"Under the new law, the Department of Transportation and Engineering (DOTE) will have a checklist to consider before moving forward with road improvement projects.
The list includes five categories: bike facilities, sidewalk and curb ramps, traffic calming, safety improvements and comfort enhancements. Within those categories are things like bike lanes, sidewalks and speed humps."
#Cincinnati #UrbanPlanning #Cycling
Anyone have an update on Central Avenue in Baltimore? It looks like they're finishing up new protected bike lanes, but I can't find an article about it that's not paywalled.
Bike lockers now available at five Los Angeles K line stations.
Can I put a trailer on my Magnum Cruiser? Coupled with my immense bulk I'm afraid of burning out the motor. #Cycling #ECycling #BikeTooter
The Kentucky Bourbon Trail Is A World-Class Bike Trip
"Kentucky is next level in terms of politeness...Everyone waves you through intersections and yields politely to let you in when turning, and in 5 days and over 200 miles, I did not experience a single rude driver, comment, or gesture or even once have a car come what I consider too close."
For Cyclists The Kentucky Bourbon Trail Is A World-Class Bike Trip
@brb Revolution is my favorite in Bloomington, but you might want to add Bike smiths and Bicycle Garage as well. #BikeTooter #cycling #indiana
"Portlanders can be placed into one of the four following groups based on
their relationship to bicycle transportation: “The Strong and the Fearless,” “The
Enthused and the Confident,” “The Interested but Concerned.” The fourth group are non-riders, called the “No Way No How” group."
I note this represents _adult_ cyclists, or at least teens. There probably needs to be a separate category for children.
What's a good story I can tell to overcome the NIMBYs ? #UrbanPlanning #NeighborhoodMeeting #PublicComment #Cycling
Pinellas County was named one of the most dangerous places for bicyclists in Florida last year, and the Tampa Bay area the fourth most dangerous for pedestrians. And already this year, nearly 70 motorcyclists have died in the region.
Florida shouldn’t tolerate the killing of so many pedestrians | Column
One of the best bike blogs out there. Support Biking in LA!
Dave Rollo wants to give himself veto power over all biking improvements
"City staff shall present the resolution and report to the Common Council for action. If the resolution is not adopted by the Common Council, the project does not proceed to installation."
#UrbanPlanning #BloomingtonIN #cycling
Here's Northwestern's reserved bike rack for Nobel laureate Sir Fraser Stoddart #cycling
Polling place was at Bloomington High School North, a dangerous bike ride up Kinser Pike. Wish they could have found somewhere else until the new Dunn Street multi-use path is built. #voting #UrbanPlanning #cycling
Extensive discussion of the genesis of the new Bloomington greenway #cycling #urbanplanning