Indiana Ave senior residents tell IHA they feel unsafe
"Residents were asking for IHA’s help because the agency subsidizes their rent. The apartment building also is managed by an IHA employee, according to residents and Indiana’s public employee compensation portal...isn’t the first time residents at Indiana Avenue Apartments have complained to IHA about safety and security. Meeting minutes show some residents raised similar concerns as early as 2020."
Bloomingtonian's photo essay on protests in Indianapolis yesterday
Indianapolis man pushed, punched teen for riding motorized bike
"The vehicle’s driver — later identified as Indianapolis resident Jason Harrell — stopped next to the boy, extended his arm out of the van and pushed the teenager off of his bike. Following that, Harrell drove down the street, turned around and pushed the boy again"
Looks like a pretty big bike. Maybe an electric motorcycle instead? The kid's only 14 though.
Broken Housing: How Indy’s public housing agency fuels a crisis
"IHA recordkeeping was so poor that HUD officials had a hard time determining if money was properly spent. Errors in IHA’s housing voucher tenant files, for example, were so pervasive that federal officials estimated IHA had put half a billion federal dollars over roughly a decade at risk of being spent on, for example, miscalculated rents, ineligible tenants and landlords"
Broken Housing: How Indy’s public housing agency fuels a crisis
IndyGo receives $149 million federal grant for Blue Line bus rapid transit project
"Officials said the 24-mile project will “provide fast and frequent public transportation” for one of the main east-west travel corridors in Marion County. This will include 12 miles of dedicated bus-only lanes in the “urban core”
The route will provide access to downtown, the Capitol, the airport and the zoo, as well as three high schools.
Bikeshare culture is growing in Indianapolis, here's why
"IndyRides Free provides an annual pass to Marion County residents to use the bikeshare at no cost.
And people are seizing the opportunity!
About 4 out of every 5 bikeshare trips have been taken by passholders since its launch.
“It puts this right in their hands. They can use the bikes at no cost to them and puts more money back in their pocket," Haley said."
10 Indianapolis cyclists share what drivers can do to keep them safe on the road
"“The best way I could sum up a piece of advice is to see the humanity in a cyclist. You know, that’s somebody’s mother, sister, brother, father, whatever.”
10 Indy cyclists share what drivers can do to keep them safe on the road
The failures of Chicago - Indianapolis train service
"I curse Indiana for the miserable Amtrak service in this corridor, which is home to the capital of the Midwest, a major regional city, and a world-class research university (Purdue). High-speed trains could cut the trip to about an hour. Even decent conventional trains would cut it by half. It seems like a no-brainer."
Taylor Swift hits #Indianapolis tonight. Let's see all the Swifties avoid traffic hassles by taking public transportation!
Taking public transit to Taylor Swift? Make sure you have time to catch it after the concert.
#Indianapolis native becomes conker champion in competition marred by accusations of use of a steel chestnut
Cheating alleged after men’s world conker champion found with steel chestnut
Nashville's initial BRT plan went to Indianapolis
"Leaders had proposed a dedicated lane down West End, known as “the Amp.”
The Amp proposal was thwarted amid major opposition. When the plan died, the federal funding that Nashville had received for it was redirected to a different city.
“You can ride the Amp, but you have to go to Indianapolis to do it,” Bland said."
#Indianapolis #Nashville #BusRapidTransit
Vision Zero Taskforce appointees and first meeting announced
"The Vision Zero Taskforce, dedicated to improving safety for pedestrians and cyclists across the city by reducing traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries to zero."
There's just one person listed as a biker in the list, and they represent the "Recreational Cycling Community". They really need a "Commuting Cyclists" representative as well.
#Indianapolis #VisionZero #cycling
Reflections on noise-pollution data collection in DC
"A growing body of evidence links urban noise pollution with health problems. The data I collected suggest that DC residents are regularly exposed to stress-inducing levels of noise"
I'd like to see this done in Indianapolis. The city's attempted to make some pedestrian-friendly areas, like Mass Ave and 10th, but...well, maybe you can see the problem.
#WashingtonDC #Indianapolis #NoisePollution #CarsRuinEverything
Stone Cold Hazy at Brewlink Brewing Company. The calories per dollar here is amazing. I can't finish a meal and I am not what you would call a small person. #Indianapolis #Beer
City of Indianapolis and IndyGo awarded $19.9M to improve road safety:
* Post Road between Washington Street and 38th Street
* East 30th Street between Rural Street and Franklin Road
* Lynhurst Drive between Morris Street and West 22nd Street
* East 42nd Street between Franklin Road and Mitthoefer Road
* Franklin Road between 30th and 42nd Street
* Thompson Road between East Street and Madison Avenue
Indianapolis bike lane building
These numbers are so bad I wonder if they're even accurate. Indy has been averaging around two miles of new bike lanes a year and four miles of greenways and trails. This needs to be vastly expanded.
Indianapolis lags in sustainability efforts, especially with clean transit
"Indianapolis has struggled to create safe, connected infrastructure for walkers and bikers, and continues to heavily fund roadways and other projects to improve transportation for vehicles. Other reports have found the city consistently lags in areas of transit ridership, pedestrian activity and EV adoption rates."
EV's aren't going to help much with this, though.
#Indianapolis #Transit
Indianapolis lags in sustainability efforts, especially with clean transit
"I-65 Safety and Efficiency is expected to include added capacity primarily using the existing shoulder, the widening of three bridges, the replacement of one bridge, pavement patching and resurfacing and improvements to multiple drainage structures."
This looks like an absolute disaster. I love how they keep throwing "safety" into it as if there was anything safe about pollution-spewing vehicles going 90 miles an hour.
#HoosierMast #Indianapolis #Highways
Time to deprioritize cars going fast and make Indianapolis streets safer.
"Vision Zero infrastructure updates including road diets, protected bike lanes, expanded transit and lower speed limits have demonstrated results nationwide...Officials have recently taken action through interventions like banning red-light turns downtown and converting major one-way avenues to two-way streets"
(Paywalled, sadly)
#HoosierMast #SafeStreets #Indianapolis
Indy is in a 'pedestrian safety crisis.' Can a Vision Zero traffic safety plan save lives?
"A Vision Zero plan has been on the table for nearly a decade. Now, several city-county council members plan to present a proposal in July and the city has sent out a request for proposals for a study that would examine how a Vision Zero plan could operate in Indy. "
#Indianapolis #UrbanPlanning #VisionZero
Indy is in a 'pedestrian safety crisis.' Can a Vision Zero traffic safety plan save lives?
Soccer in Indianapolis: Is it for the fans or the owners?
My thoughts on the current brouhaha over the Indianapolis soccer team.
Indianapolis Offers Free Bike Share to its Residents
"Starting today, Marion County residents can register for a free annual IndyRides Free pass for Pacers Bike Share, coinciding with the launch of 325 new e-bikes available for public use.
The sleek white e-bikes, distinguishable from the gold classic bikes, are now stationed at 50 bikeshare hubs across the city, ready to be accessed via the BCycle mobile app."
Major league sports in the US don't really understand the culture of soccer, where the idea is that best teams get to rise to the top regardless of their size or markets. On the other hand, soccer culture doesn't really understand US major league sports, where the goal is to make vast amounts of money for the owners. We'll see which direction #Indianapolis will go. #MastodonFC
Study Highlights Indianapolis Metropolitan Area Among Worst for Air Quality in United States
"The Indianapolis metropolitan area scored a total index of 38.57, securing its place as the tenth area with the worst air quality nationwide. This ranking reflects a concerning trend, with the region experiencing 142 days categorized as moderate, 16 days deemed unhealthy for sensitive groups, and two days classified as unhealthy overall."
Indy to spend $40M to upgrade County Line Road
I drove down the road this weekend, thought a tornado hit it. Trees down everywhere. The extra lanes are a pain, but the biking path looks nice.
Bike to the 500 to return for 9th year
"Tickets for an escorted bicycle ride to the Indianapolis 500 are available for a ninth year, Indianapolis Motor Speedway said Tuesday.
Bike Indianapolis will present Bike to the 500 with two departure times — 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. — on race day, May 26. The 5-mile route begins at The AMP at 16 Tech market, 1220 Waterway Boulevard, and ends with valet parking at Gate 1."
Massive smoke rising over New York Avenue #indianapolis
Broke down and subscribed to the Indy Star, mostly for James Briggs and Sarah Bowman. I don't think they do gift articles, sadly. The Bloomington rag has been gutted for years.
The Twisted Tale of Indianapolis’s White River
"A group of social- and environmental-justice advocates filed a complaint with the Environmental Protection Agency, alleging the sewage issues disproportionately affected minority residents. The EPA agreed, and in 2006 mandated that Indianapolis solve the issues once and for all. In 2011, Citizens Energy Group began to oversee the $2 billion DigIndy project."
More Indianapolis roadways converted to two-way in an effort to improve travel and safety
"A stretch of College Ave from Market Street to St Clair Street will be open to drivers headed north or southbound in February...Two more downtown roads to receive two-way upgrades include stretches of New York and Michigan streets. $20 million will be invested to convert the streets between College Avenue and Ellenberger Park."
More Indianapolis roadways converted to two-way in an effort to improve travel and safety
For the third time in two years, the future IndyGo Blue Line project is on the chopping block at the Indiana Statehouse due to its use of dedicated bus lanes.
The hearing on Senate Bill 52 drew dozens of business owners, transit advocates and city leaders on both sides of the issue to the Statehouse, though the crowd leaned heavily toward opposing the bill.
#HoosierMast #Indianapolis #BusRapidTransit
What's the future of the IndyGo Blue Line? Here's what to know.
Dec. 9th: Don't miss the Bicycle Garage Indy Toy Ride to and through the Christmas Nights of Lights!
The 7-mile ride starts at the Avondale Meadows YMCA and goes via 39th St. and the Fall Creek Trail to the Indiana State Fairgrounds. Toys will be collected at the event for the 23rd Annual YMCA Holiday Toy Drive.
Open to bicyclists of all ages and decorated bicycles are encouraged!
#cycling #HoosierMast #Indianapolis
Hoppopotamus at Red Lion Grog House, #indianapolis #beer
Pew Buster double IPA at St. Joseph Brewery in #Indianapolis (The brewery is in an old Catholic church) #beer
Well done Indianapolis! No more turning on red in the downtown Mile Square. Had to outmaneuver State Representative and anti-local-government activist Aaron Freeman to get the job done.
(Possibly paywalled)
No-turn-on red signs are coming to downtown Indianapolis. Find out where
Taylor Swift coming to Lucas Oil! I hope everyone going to the concert takes advantage of the Indianapolis Bus Rapid Transit.
#swifties #indianapolis #transit
Taylor Swift is an unlikely public transit icon | CNN Business
A biker is dead after being struck by a vehicle in a hit and run at E. 34th Street and Leland Avenue, around 11:30 p.m on Saturday.
In 2012, Smart Growth America rated Indianapolis’s Complete Streets policy the best in the nation. So why were 150 pedestrians killed by cars in the last five years?
#Indianapolis #UrbanPlanning #CompleteStreets
How the city plans to address Indianapolis' dangerous trail crossings
"the City-County Council introduced a proposal on June 5 that would create greenway crossing zones. They would be similar to school zones.
Poor lines of sight, fast driving speeds, high traffic volume, and designs that don't adequately discourage reckless driving are some of the problems at trail crossings, cyclists and pedestrians said."
In bid to protect pedestrians, Indy defies state lawmaker to push no-turn-on-red proposal
Republican Senator Aaron Freeman calls local government "stupid" so I think the city council should pass a resolution saying, "I know you are but what am I?"
In bid to protect pedestrians, Indy defies state lawmaker to push no-turn-on-red proposal
Study looks at next stage of Indianapolis highway development
"The study will focus on I-65 and I-70 routes that crisscross the city. INDOT will engage the public by reaching out for ideas and solutions. Transportation upgrades will include considerations of quality of life, economic mobility and equity.
Conversations with a wide variety of key stakeholders and community representatives are planned to generate ideas."
Study looks at next stage of Indianapolis highway development
"The intersection of Rockville Road and Girls School Road is in the top one percent for crash rates in the state."
Maybe they should have the traffic, I don't know, GO SLOWER or something.
Five Simple Fixes for a Deadly Intersection in Indianapolis
They analyzed an intersection in Indianapolis, Indiana, where a cyclist was killed when a driver ran a red light.
A. Connect Shopping Centers
B. Close the Redundant Entrance
C. Close Redundant Entrances and Connect Properties—Yielding an Incubator
D. Widen Median—Resizing Travel Lanes
E. Reduce Excessive Entrance Widths
#UrbanPlanning #Indianapolis #HoosierMast
@qag Hoosiers, wouldn't it be awesome if Indy took cars off Indiana and Massachusetts Avenues? #HoosierMast #indianapolis
Activists Demand Change After Fatal Crash in Indianapolis
"The “No Turn on Red” signs erected...are routinely ignored. In fact, a citizen-led traffic report conducted at the site—on 86th Street by the Monon Trail entrance—revealed that within a 280 minute period, 86 vehicles turned right on red and one even turned left on red."
#HoosierMast #cycling #Indianapolis
"Indianapolis Public Schools officials are planning a May 2023 referendum to raise property taxes to fund the district’s Rebuilding Stronger plan. Charter schools – and there are dozens of them in the IPS district – want a significant share. IPS Superintendent Aleesia Johnson said that’s not going to happen."
#HoosierMast #Indianapolis #PublicSchools #CharterSchools