Colorful safety barriers added to bike lanes along Atlanta’s Piedmont Park
"The City of Atlanta celebrated the new Midtown bike lane barrier mural project along Piedmont Park on Tuesday.
The long stretch of concrete barriers protects bicyclists and others who use the lanes.
Robert Nickolai said the safety improvements along 10th Street in Midtown Atlanta are essential."
Atlanta folks: are these new bike lanes or just new murals? Any pics?
Colorful safety barriers added to bike lanes along Atlanta’s Piedmont Park
Protected bike lanes installed on busy Columbus roadway
"The protected bike lanes on East Broad Street are a demonstration project for the city. With the Bike Plus plan passing, city leaders are working to figure out how to build safe bikeways, and East Broad Street is a test."
“We got some demonstration dollars to show that this bikeway does work,” Kelly Scocco, the director of Public Service for the city, said.
Poll finds support among Tennessee voters for adding bike lanes to roads
"I thought way less people were going to be for bike lanes, hearing about what we hear about on a normal basis, and sometimes my anger," Cunningham said by phone. "Every time that you're putting new money into bike lanes, people say, 'Oh, we could use it for this, this,' and say, 'It's actually making traffic worse,' and you hear a lot of arguments."
Washington's Vancouver to require a vote prior to road diet projects
"Support their goal to amend Vancouver Municipal Code to state that an election of the people must take place before the city can move forward on any project that reduces driving lanes and converts them to other uses."
Unfortunate. Someone says she and her husband are too old to ride bikes. No! Wrong! You're never to old to ride at least an electric tricycle!
Cleveland: As RTA Teases Plan for West 25th Street Bus Rapid Transit Line, a Debate About Design and Bike Lanes
I think the author is pretty anti-bike lane, although it's mostly subtle stuff. But there's also this gem: "Others feel that tampering with delicate on-street parking spots would draw complaints from businesses." Seriously?
The Ongoing Saga of the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge Bike Lane
The fate of the 10-foot wide, barrier-separated bike and pedestrian path on the upper deck of the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge remains uncertain, as both advocates and critics of the lane eagerly await a decision...Letters to Marin County’s Board of Supervisors were overwhelmingly in favor of keeping the bike lane open 24/7 as a crucial part of the San Francisco Bay Trail"
The Ongoing Saga of the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge Bike Lane | KQED
Packed meeting to discuss Evanston bike lanes
This is the same article as every other article on proposed bike lanes. A city plans bike lanes, drivers complain, business owners complain, some bikers stand up in support; and eventually they'll probably put in some bike infrastructure of some sort, as long as it doesn't inconvenience drivers in any way.
Improvements for drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians in downtown Knoxville
City crews recently added retractable metal bollards in streets near Market Square, separated bike lanes on the Henley Street Bridge and added safety measures at the end of the bridge where Chapman Highway intersects with Blount Avenue.
Crews installed hard plastic delineators and green bike lane markings on the Henley Bridge to separate cars from bikes
Improvements for drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians in downtown Knoxville: What to know
Where are Southeast LA’s bike lanes?
"The nine communities and cities that make up SELA are all named on a list of California cities with the highest rates of obesity. Because SELA is surrounded by freeways on all sides and home to major arteries that serve as trucking routes from the ports to the industrial zones scattered across it, residents are also constantly exposed to pollution."
Cycle lanes boosting house prices by up to eight per cent, new study finds
"Taking into account a wide range of characteristics related to the homes themselves and the local community, such as floor area, school achievements, and crime levels, the researchers concluded that house buyers are willing to pay more to live in areas that are closer to cycle networks."
Cycle lanes boosting house prices by up to eight per cent, new study finds
If you are near Evanston, go tell them that bike lanes don't increase congestion or harm businesses. Meeting next Tuesday!
Denver's oligarchs nix protected bike lane along West 29th Avenue.
"What changed between September 16 ...and October 18, when DOTI announced that there would be no protected bike lane between Sheridan and Tennyson? Media reports have documented how DOTI met privately with a handful of residents and businesses after the public comment period had ended and the plans had been declared final."
I didn't read the Post hit piece on bike lanes from a couple of weeks ago, but I saw this quote on BikingInLA:
"They are often installed not to satisfy the barely measurable trickle of residents who pedal to work but mainly to make car traffic worse enough that people will be discouraged from driving."
Wrong, of course - bike lanes would probably decrease congestion if anything. But we do need to discourage people from driving.
Metro gave Culver City half a million dollars for bike lanes - then the city ripped them out again. Metro wants its money back.
"In April 2023, the council voted to remove the project's protected bike lanes, having cyclists instead share lanes with buses...staff noted that the grant funding agreement specifies if that funded facilities cease to be used for the original purpose specified, then funding must be returned."
Evanston Merchants Don't Bother To Find Out Facts
"The merchants say the project, which would strip most parking off the east side of Chicago Avenue to make room for the bike lanes, would harm “nearly 200 small businesses which depend on street parking for customer access.”
Of course, study after study shows that businesses benefit when bike lanes go in. But, but, paaarking!
#Evanston #BikeLanes #UrbanPlanning
Quick video of me being passed by a bus in the protected bike lane. Then the protected part ends, the bus pulls into the bike lane to pick up passengers, and I am forced up onto the sidewalk to go around.
The Bike Lane Battle
"For those of you on the socials, you’ve likely come across it on your feed...the comments are predictable, with people who ride bikes saying they want a space to ride without fear of dying and some commuters claiming the loss of road space will mean more traffic. Sprinkle in some comments from avid cyclists, who always think that the fact that they wear lycra on weekends makes their objection to safe biking infrastructure a mic drop."
Philadelphia has a plan for concrete-protected bike lanes in Center City, officials tell residents
"After months of outcry from cyclists in the wake of a crash that killed a Children's Hospital of Philadelphia doctor...the city's Office of Transportation and Infrastructure Systems (OTIS) is recommending additional protection, including concrete curbs and potentially planters, for bike lanes on Pine Street and Spruce Street."
#BikeLanes #UrbanPlanning #Philadelphia
Philadelphia has a plan for concrete-protected bike lanes in Center City, officials tell residents
Atlanta's Spring Street bicycle and pedestrian upgrades in the works
"The project calls for remaking one southbound lane on Spring Street—also known as Ga. Highway 9, and U.S. Highway 19—between Peachtree Street and 17th Street. Three southbound travel lanes will remain open for vehicles."
Too bad they couldn't make it two-way though. I hope there's another street with a similar plan?
#Atlanta #BikeLanes #UrbanPlanning
Images: People-friendly redo of major Midtown street begins soon
Reasons to build bike lanes
* Bike Lanes Accomplish More Than One Thing at a Time
* Bike Lanes Build Transportation Capacity
* Bike Lanes Bring Customers to Businesses
* Better Bang for Our Public Buck
* Safer Streets for Everyone, Including Drivers
* Bike Lanes Are an Investment in the Future
Merchants say Bigfoot exists
And also, bike-ped upgrades on Chicago's Lincoln Avenue “could put existing shops out of business”. Streetsblog debunks this unscientific nonsense from Block Club Chicago, but leaves open the possibility of hirsute cryptids roaming Lake Shore Drive.
Maple Avenue: Dallas’ most dangerous street to be redesigned
"Maple Avenue, from Oak Lawn Avenue to Mockingbird Lane, has been identified by city officials as the most dangerous street in Dallas for pedestrians....Plans include reducing car travel lanes, adding bike lanes, adding lighting, moving bus stops, closing one cross street completely, adding a traffic light and pedestrian warning signals and curb and median improvements."
#Dallas #UrbanPlanning #BikeLanes
Indianapolis bike lane building
These numbers are so bad I wonder if they're even accurate. Indy has been averaging around two miles of new bike lanes a year and four miles of greenways and trails. This needs to be vastly expanded.
Denver’s next big bike lane strategy: more protected lanes on busier streets
"City planners are floating a draft update to their long-term bike infrastructure plan that calls for more than 230 miles of new bike lanes — many on car-dominated major arterial roads like Speer, Leetsdale, Broadway, Colorado Boulevard and others across the city."
#Denver #BikeLanes #UrbanPlanning
San Fran Mayor pressures SFMTA to kill Chinatown bike lanes after backlash
"The addition of bike lanes would likely take away street parking spots, sparking protests from merchants concerned about losing customers."
Aside from the article not pointing out that study after study has shown that this is not an issue, I wonder what can be done to discourage driving in this sort of neighborhood?
#SanFrancisco #BikeLanes #UrbanPlanning
Using AI in pursuit of better bike paths
"The AI Bike Mapping and Wayfinding Project aims to revolutionize bicycle infrastructure mapping and improve cyclists’ safety in Santa Barbara County. The project’s key objectives include AI training: Data from Google Street View, OpenStreetMap and an advisory committee will inform, train and develop a tested AI model."
Once again, I think there are easier ways. @markstos have an opinion?
Indana Avenue design suggestions released
Either a two-way street with painted bike lanes, or one-way for cars and two-way, semiprotected bike lanes. Not sure I care since the difference is mostly how it's painted, but I'd really like to see Kirkwood and Dunn closed to traffic, and Indiana would have to be two-way to allow for that.
@bloomington_in #cycling #bikelanes
Indiana Avenue Safety Improvements | City of Bloomington, Indiana
California Bikeway Classifications
"Each class of bikeway has its uses and pros and cons. Class I paths are the most comfortable and enjoyable for the widest range of users. However, space constraints limit where they can be placed, and their separation from local amenities can make them more suitable for recreation or commuting than running errands."
Portland: PBOT erects concrete barricades to deter drivers – and vandals – on NE 72nd Drive
"In a bid to prioritize bicycling and walking on this section of the street that’s considered a lynchpin of the 70s Neighborhood Greenway, PBOT installed signs and poles late last month. But anti-PBOT local residents repeatedly destroyed the infrastructure and used power tools to saw off heavy-gauge traffic poles and signs."
Louisville: Reimagine 9th Street project is back on track
"Long stalled by a lack of funding, plans to make Ninth Street a safer, more attractive thoroughfare that welcomes many types of transportation are nearing closer to reality...the Reimagine 9th Street project, an effort by Louisville Metro Government to make the street separating downtown and the West End less a dividing line and more a connector of neighborhoods."
Reimagine 9th Street project is back on track. What to know about its design, construction
Denver: Protected 1.5-mile, two-way Broadway bikeway officially opens
"Denver’s two-way bikeway on Broadway has been a long time coming, from a weekend demonstration with traffic cones more than eight years ago to the full 1.5-mile, traffic-separated version that debuted this month as one of the city’s premier bicycle amenities...The protected lanes, built as part of the city’s Denver Moves: Broadway project"
Hanging out at the Bike & Ped Commission meeting
A few new projects in planning, I think mostly replacing older speed humps with nice bike-friendly bumps and repaving.
Then the 3rd Street protected lane. Some concern with dropoffs at the biology building, still a lot of planning to do - but should be done here in the next month or two.
Asks for resident-led traffic calming projects. I suppose they wouldn't go for my idea of calming Business 37 😁
Bay Area considers removing bike/ped lanes from Richmond-San Rafael Bridge
"Bay Area transportation planners are taking another look at what it would take to open the westbound shoulder of the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge for commuter traffic...Critics, mostly commuters and their employers, say traffic is worse than ever, while supporters maintain the path is a successful multimodal connection between the North Bay and the East Bay."
Richmond-San Rafael Bridge managers reexamine westbound lane options
I think #IndianaUniversity has done a good job providing bikeways in the center of campus. But for some reason they don't mark *anything*. Here's the recommended design for a shared path, but the only place this exists is for about 100 yards next to the auditorium.
The Best New U.S. Bike Lanes of 2023
Great pictures in this article. I really want to go visit all these places!
"From bustling cities to small towns, communities from coast to coast amplified their commitment to better biking with an unprecedented surge in safer, more comfortable places to ride in 2023...thousands of additional projects planned across the country"
Chicago is coming off an “incredible year for cycling”
They've installed 27 miles of “new and upgraded protected bike lanes,” built 18 miles of neighborhood greenways, and distributed 1,900 free bikes.
"The Divvy bike rental system is at an “all-time high,” up 70% since 2019, David Smith said. Overall bike trips on an “average weekday” have increased by 120% over the same period."
Car in the bike lane. They're planning on some small barriers this year to stop this from happening so much. #BikeTooter #BikeLanes
Why Cities Need to Invest in Active Mobility for the Climate and Economy
"A report from ITDP and the World Bank that calls on urban stakeholders to acknowledge the importance of active mobility infrastructure...the report emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to active mobility, focused on infrastructure networks that are supported by complementary elements such as bikeshare programs, bicycle parking, and capacity building"
#UrbanPlanning #BikeLanes #BikeShare
DANG! Chicago's Dickens Avenue Neighborhood Greenway completed
"A contraflow ("wrong-way") bicycle lane makes biking east on the one-way westbound segments of Dickens safer and legalizes it. Sidewalk extensions and raised crosswalks shorten crossing distances, calm motorized traffic, and help keep drivers from turning fast around corners. And the speed limit has been lowered from 30 to 20 mph."
NYC Streetsblog: Mayor Adams failing spectacularly to construct bike and bus lanes
"Adams meet a legal mandate to construct 50 miles of protected bike lanes and 30 miles of protected bus lanes. What happens now? Nothing. And therein lies the problem."
"Far from meeting the established benchmarks, the city under Mayor Adams has run away from high-profile fights, delayed and slow-walked contentious projects"
In 2023, Mayor Adams Basically Erased the 'Streets Master Plan' - Streetsblog New York City
Grand Theft Auto – the staggeringly successful and desensitising video game where players steal cars, drive recklessly, run people over at their leisure, and generally do heinous things – is adding BIKE LANES!
California Coastal Commission stalls bike lanes on deadly road in Point Loma
"The thwarted bike lanes in Point Loma demonstrate how the Coastal Commission, and the laws that created it, can make sustainable transportation infrastructure more cumbersome and expensive to install near the coast than elsewhere in San Diego."
California Coastal Commission stalls bike lanes on deadly road in Point Loma
Uninformed people claim Chicago's Augusta protected bike lanes are dangerous
""Rubio, who [illegally] parks on the street outside her home... [is] now dodging car traffic on one side and bike traffic on the other as she tries to get her small children out of the car," Barnes states. That is, Rubio feels endangered by the completely mundane task of checking for traffic, albeit bike traffic, before crossing the street."
Beverly Hills plans some paint-only bike lanes on Beverly Boulevard...still better than the sharrows that traffic commission chairman and self-described "avid cyclist" Ron Shalowitz suggested instead.
The plan calls for bike lanes to be added to either side of the 0.3-mile stretch of Beverly Boulevard between Santa Monica Boulevard and Doheny Drive, as laid out in the city's 2021 Complete Streets Plan.
#bikelanes #BeverlyHills #UrbanPlanning
East Lansing is seeking input for bike lanes and pedestrian paths. A link to the survey in the article below.
#EastLansing #BikeLanes #UrbanPlanning
East Lansing is seeking input for bike lanes and pedestrian paths
Interesting parking commission discussion on Atwater. It goes from two lanes to three between Park and Faculty, which I never noticed. Should the extra lane be devoted to parking? A bike lane? Or do we wait for a full study of the Atwater corridor?
Chicago's new protected bike lanes on Belmont are a game changer
"Thanks to new concrete-protected bike lanes on Belmont, one of the city’s most unpleasant and dangerous intersections is now a choice route for people traveling on two wheels."
Running about a mile from Kimball to Campbell, the new lanes provide safer passage for bike riders under the Kennedy Expressway and over the north branch of the Chicago River.
#Chicago #cycling #BikeLanes
Usually European biking headlines are like, "BELGIUM OPENS NEW 100 MILE BIKE TRAIL SYSTEM IN CAPITAL" and American headlines are "BIKES BANNED DOWNTOWN AFTER DRUNK DRIVER KILLS CYCLIST" so in a way this is kind of refreshing.
Cycle lanes scrapped in south-east Spain as council takes pro-car stance
This writer uses a wheelchair and wants more bike lanes
"The comments sections of every social media post about these upgrades are littered with insincere cries about the removal of car parks...Well planned, inclusive and accessible infrastructure benefits all members of society, especially the marginalised. Lack of cycle infrastructure is negligent, ableist and ageist. "
Data suggests fears of bike lane-induced vehicle traffic nightmare on Old Georgetown Road are unfounded
"Overall traffic flow has been unaffected: “In the northbound AM and PM peak directions, travel times along the entire corridor increased by about 60 seconds since implementation of the bike lanes...Southbound, travel times initially increased, but have since reduced to the levels before the bike lane project.”
Interesting point comparing multi-use paths to stroads: "MUPs often try to serve both people enjoying a place (like with streets) and people trying to get somewhere else (like with roads). If the path gets crowded, has poor visibility around corners, and people moving at significantly different speeds, then it fails as both a recreational amenity and a transportation route."
Still, I'd rather bike lanes be added to roads without MUP's first.
Are Multi-Use Paths the “Stroads” of Active Transportation Infrastructure?
Monroe County's Fullerton Pike to be extended over Clear Creek
"The 524-foot structure—which will feature a 6-foot median, a 10-foot multi-use path and a 5-foot sidewalk—will span Clear Creek Trail and the creek itself...the construction project is expected to start after April of 2024, and take until the end of 2025 to be completed."
This will be handy for access to the nearby middle school and library branch.
#BloomingtonIN #UrbanPlanning #BikeLanes
$8M in county bridge bonds OK’d, library sidewalk connections won’t be as late as feared
Bike lanes along El Camino? Caltrans proposal catches city off balance
Not sure exactly what's going on here, but certainly a bit of paint next to 50 MPH traffic isn't going to do anything to encourage biking. The article screams "CALTRANS REPLACING PARKING WITH BIKE LANES!" so we know where they stand. Anyone have more insight into this?
#PaloAlto #CalTrans #UrbanPlanning #BikeLanes
Bike lanes along El Camino? Caltrans proposal catches city off balance
Time for the design presentation for College and Walnut!
Apparently they had a lot of people saying, "NO BIKES!"
Split into four districts: South, Downtown, North, and Miller Showers
Pine tree concept: Replace one lane with a protected bike lane.
Elm Tree concept: Protected one-way bike lane, two-way car lanes
Sycamore Tree concept: Two-way bike lanes, two-way car lanes
Oak Tree concept: Bike lanes on either side of two-way car lanes
This is a weird street design. A single car lane to handle both directions, with bike lanes on either side that the cars jump into in case of conflict, and a car storage area:
storage -> bike lane - car lane - bike lane
Seems a lot safer to have a two-way bike lane separated from the cars:
bike lane -> bike lane -> storage -> car lane
I suppose the car lane would need to be a bit wider to accommodate car conflict getting through.
#BikeLanes #cycling #UrbanPlanning
New Road Design Seems Like A More Efficient Way To Kill Cyclists
This is nice. A one-way, one lane road for cars with a two-way bike path next to it. It's only for a few blocks for a connector though. #BloomingtonIN #UrbanPlanning #BikeLanes
"Bob Kotchenreuther, who has run his dry cleaning business for so long that he ended up tattooing the shop name Cleveland Park Valet on his forearm, doesn’t think bikers are his clientele. “It’s hard for them to hold dry cleaning on one hand and steer with the other,” he says."
Yeah, I guess you can't carry all that much stuff on a bike, right people?
#cycling #cargobikes #bikelanes
Mitt Romney doesn't understand induced demand.
"I'm not going to spend money on buying e-bikes for people like me who have bought them — they're expensive," he said. "Removing automobile lanes to put in bike lanes is, in my opinion, the height of stupidity, it means more cars backing up, creating more emissions."
"My dad always said, ‘No matter what, recession, depression, we’ll still be able to eat.’ Then came bike lanes.” 🤔
A two-way protected bike lane on the north side of 2nd Street from the B-Line to Walker Street is in the works. The bike lane plan is hidden under the title "Modernization and Safety Improvements" so I hope they can do it quick before the NIMBYs notice!
#BloomingtonIN #BikeLanes #UrbanPlanning
West 2nd Street Modernization and Safety Improvements | City of Bloomington, Indiana
Looking forward to @Streetsblog reporting on new bike/ped infrastructure this spring and summer. Seems like there's been nothing recently!
Video killed the bicycle lane: Advocates, officials intervene after TV crew blocks PBL
"A couple of folks on Twitter said they notified downtown alder person Brendan Reilly’s (42nd) office about the obstruction. “Props to Ald. Reilly’s office staff,” one tweeted. “I called them at 10:15 a.m. to let them know about this obstruction. They just told me that someone went out there, ticketed these people, and ensured that the bike lanes are now clear.”
Let's go Brandon! Brandon Johnson in the runoff for Chicago Mayor. Here's what he said about biking:
"We also need to install more well-designed, dedicated bike lanes, so that cyclists feel safe on our streets. By investing in viable alternatives to automobiles, we can reduce congestion and make getting around Chicago faster and more pleasant for everyone."
Cleveland bike advocates rejoice after State Rep. Tom Patton pulls amendment that would have killed Midway project
"Cleveland bike advocates were feeling upbeat Thursday, a day after state Rep. Tom Patton said he’d withdraw a controversial amendment to the state transportation budget bill that would have killed a popular bike lane project planned for Superior Avenue in downtown Cleveland."
BikingInLA: "Talk about not getting it. Less than a month after People For Bikes named a fully separated Bloomington, Indiana bike lane the 5th best new bike project in the US, a local mayoral candidate wants to redesign it to make it safer for other road users. Because apparently, bikeways are there to protect buses and emergency vehicles, too." Full credit to mayoral candidate Susan Sandberg for coming out against bike infrastructure. Hopefully we can get her out of there now.
3 Bloomington mayoral hopefuls speak at first forum
Bloomington's 7-line is on this list of the best new bike lanes.
#BloomingtonIN #cycling #BikeLanes #HoosierMast
North Carolina’s Republican House speaker says he’ll only OK Charlotte’s $13 billion transportation plan if it focuses on widening roads instead of bike lanes.
"Moore stated that Charlotte officials should focus more on “road capacity” if they want the state legislature to endorse the city’s plan"
"It isn’t about the bikes, it’s about being able to get from Point A to Point B without dying. That shouldn’t be such a hard ask."
#Charlotte #UrbanPlanning #BikeLanes
Advocates, Lawmakers at Odds Following Cyclist's Death | Queen City Nerve
This really depresses me. I had the idea that once cycling infrastructure was in place, people would be happy with it. Seems like it's as much a battle to stop it from being taken back out though.
"An online petition calling for the bicycle lanes to be removed "without delay" has received more than 5,000 signatures since it was launched last week."
#cycling #UrbanPlanning #Maryland #BikeLanes
'Disastrous Mess': Drivers Complain About Bicycle Lanes In North Bethesda
Biking in LA slaps down an anti-bike lane op-ed in San Diego.
"Just wait until he sees how people drive, in their big, smelly, two-ton death-dealing machines as they text on their phones, roll stop signs and race to the next red light.
Of course, his proof that it’s a rip-off is that he and his husband don’t see bikes in the exact bike lane they’re watching, at the exact moment they’re watching it."
Not sure what I think about this. This police car is blocking the road so the car on the right can be gotten unstuck by a tow truck. But did they really have to block the bike lane too?
#BikeLanes #BikeLaneUprising #cycling #HoosierMast #BloomingtonIN