New battery for the cruiser is in. I think I got about my 800 charges out of the last one. Bought the bike about 1800 days ago and barely rode at all in 2020.
The advantage of having my chain pop off in 20-degree weather is that the lube is so cold I barely got any on my fingers. #BikeTooter
A guide to biking in the rain and the darkness
I had a sudden craving for potato chips last night but decided I didn't feel like biking in the dark to go find some. Luckily I didn't see this article until this morning! I have a rain suit but it seems a bit of a pain to put on and take off.
I'm visiting Atlanta in a couple of weeks for a conference. Won't have much time for biking, but what are my options for bike or scooter share, and any interesting trails I might visit?
Beautiful new bike rack at Academy Sports!
Rack Location Management System – Bike Rack Map
Quick video of me being passed by a bus in the protected bike lane. Then the protected part ends, the bus pulls into the bike lane to pick up passengers, and I am forced up onto the sidewalk to go around.
Biking Safety Tips
Some handy tips to help you stay safe on the roads!
* Attend your local city council meetings and ask them to provide safe biking infrastructure
* Write letters to your Congressman opposing any road-widening projects they may be considering
* Participate in a bike bus to get kids to school without cars
* Join a Safer Streets For All or Vision Zero advocacy group to work to get dangerous vehicles off the streets
Bike chain popped off outside of Briscoe Quad. I knew there are a bunch of bike stands scattered around campus for repairs, so I spent a few minutes searching for the closest one. Between bad outdoor wifi and the list being hidden deep in a web page, I eventually gave up. But I did look it up again when I got home and found that the closest one was at...
Briscoe Quad. Naturally.
Here's the list so I don't lose it again.
#IndianaUniversity #biketooter
Maintenance: Bicycles: Transportation Demand Management: Indiana University
For anyone visiting the Sanger Institute near Cambridge, bring a bike. There is a very pleasant bikeway you can take from the nearest railway station down the Duxford Road to Hinxton.
I will be in Cambridge, England next week. Anything I should for or read in the context of urbanism or biking there?
Indiana Avenue redesign
So I did go to the Indiana Avenue public meeting, but they didn't have any concrete plans to share. They did have a cool model to play with, though 😀
I'm always there to tell them to build more bike infrastructure, but there's a dull sameness to these meetings. A lot of people on bikes agreeing with me and a few people to complain about losing parking and bikers not stopping for stop signs.
@bloomington_in #biketooter #UrbanPlanning
7k miles on the cruiser!
Making a trip to #Nashville next month. What should I look out for or read in the context of urbanism or biking there?
Light at Dunn and the Bypass now has walk timing for every green
I sent the mayor a note of appreciation for moving the Hawthorne greenway forward, and I sent the city bike coordinator a note of appreciation for the new semiprotected bike lanes on 3rd Street, so I wonder if they're getting tired now of my notes of appreciation
@daihard @glightly I live in the town of the Little 500, the amateur bike race from Breaking Away. Really, really strong and skilled bikers are all over the place - not MAMIL's but college students. Never felt any discrimination, but I sure hesitate to call myself a cyclist as people zoom past me on my #ebike 😜
My new video riding down the B-Line to Switchyard Park
Car in the bike lane. They're planning on some small barriers this year to stop this from happening so much. #BikeTooter #BikeLanes
Things I learned on my perambulations today:
19th street is a nice route between Dunn and Walnut. You avoid part of Cherry Hill and there's more space than on the 17th Street Multi-Use Path.
Speaking of that, the MUP is finished all the way to the roundabout. Very nice!
Someone should make a primer on #ebikes. It would include:
* Why hills aren't an issue
* Why weather isn't an issue
* Why age isn't an issue
* Why cargo isn't an issue
* Why you can ride them in big cities
* Why you can ride them in little towns
* Why you can ride them in the countryside
Know what would be really useful? Bike stores should take cars as trade-ins. #cycling #BikeTooter #bancars
Second flat tire of the year on my bike. Giant piece of wood on the bypass side-path shredded both the tube and tire. Last time was on the bypass as well. Don't bike there if you can help it - all the debris thrown up by the cars going by is deadly.
Ooh, I love this. Ride your bike and drink coffee. #biketooter #coffee #Coffeeneuring
The bike share offers a three-day pass for $15, which is as good a deal for visitors as I've seen anywhere. There aren't enough ebikes - I think I read somewhere that they were getting more - and the ones I did find were half-charged or less. I never did manage to run one out of charge though.
New Orleans: B-. Excellent ebike share program, and the Lafitte Greenway is a gem. But the French Quarter is just about unnavigable: street signs are a rarity, half the roads are tooth-rattling bumpy, and everything is one-way. Some of the roads are too small to accommodate a bike AND a car, so you have to wait in a line of ten cars trying to get through.
Getting ready to bike out into the haze. Tusken Raiders unite!
What are the best bike advocacy organizations out there? Looking for groups that work for more bike lanes/multi-use paths, give bikes to the needy, things like that.
Grading some cities for visiting bikers:
Orlando: D-. No bike share, no bike lanes. Sidewalks with cut-throughs every fifty feet.
Memphis: B-. Most of the city is pretty awful, but the downtown is nice, lots of paths and some streets that are closed to cars. Bike share with ebikes
Lexington: C. They've made an effort to provide some wider paths for pedestrians and bikers, but the traffic is horrendous. Badly needs a few blocks closed to cars. No bike share
There's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes. Which is why you have to change clothes four times a day, in the spring. Got yelled at again a bunch of kids in a Prius. What, were they mad my bike was more environmentally friendly than their car? 🤔 #BikeTooter
Traffic calming devices to go up on Maxwell between Woodlawn and Henderson this summer. Should make for a nice ride!
#biketooter #TrafficCalming #UrbanPlanning #BloomingtonIN
Thought I'd try to make some videos with my Christmas GoPro. Here's my first attempt, a ride down Bloomington's 7-Line on the east side.
"When controlling for every other variable possible, residents who drove more were exposed to less air pollution, and vice versa."
Can attest. I add a couple of extra miles to my bike commute to avoid sucking exhaust on the side path of the 45/46 bypass every day.
(And, of course, biking is fun. But don't tell anybody!)
#cycling #BikeTooter #BloomingtonIN #AirPollution
L.A. residents who drive less are exposed to more air pollution, study finds
Anyone have a favorite camp chair that's easy to carry in a bike pannier or basket? #cycling #BikeTooter
Thinking about making some GoPro videos about local trails and multi-use paths. Is there a PeerTube instance for urbanists or cyclists? #cycling #BikeTooter #GoPro #video
Naming my ebike "Mike" #cycling #ebike #BikeTooter
Off the stroad again
I just can't wait to get off the stroad again
Dodging drivers who are texting with their thumbs
I can't wait to be off the stroad again
Colin Unsworth rode naked, 837 miles, from Lands End to John O’Groats with Sadie Tann.
"The couple, who rode a tandem bike, posed naked at various iconic locations during the 837-mile journey, including Edinburgh Castle and the Angel of the North."
Nude cyclist says 'there’s no better place' after Prince Harry sex confession
What's the best way to carry a 12-pack of beer and a carton of dog food on a bike? My pannier tore out and all the pannier reviews only discuss volume, not weight.
Can I put a trailer on my Magnum Cruiser? Coupled with my immense bulk I'm afraid of burning out the motor. #Cycling #ECycling #BikeTooter
The Kentucky Bourbon Trail Is A World-Class Bike Trip
"Kentucky is next level in terms of politeness...Everyone waves you through intersections and yields politely to let you in when turning, and in 5 days and over 200 miles, I did not experience a single rude driver, comment, or gesture or even once have a car come what I consider too close."
For Cyclists The Kentucky Bourbon Trail Is A World-Class Bike Trip
@brb Revolution is my favorite in Bloomington, but you might want to add Bike smiths and Bicycle Garage as well. #BikeTooter #cycling #indiana
"Portlanders can be placed into one of the four following groups based on
their relationship to bicycle transportation: “The Strong and the Fearless,” “The
Enthused and the Confident,” “The Interested but Concerned.” The fourth group are non-riders, called the “No Way No How” group."
I note this represents _adult_ cyclists, or at least teens. There probably needs to be a separate category for children.