Massachusetts: Pedestrian crosswalk decoy program nabs transgressors
"A plain clothes officer attempts to cross in a crosswalk. While most motorists are compliant and follow the rules of the road there were dozens of violations observed. Subsequently, eleven motor vehicles stops were conducted within a two hour period. During the traffic stop officers educated the operator of the motor vehicle on the crosswalk law"
I love it! More, please!
Pedestrian Safety Advice Rated from Most Insulting to Least
"Who walks blindly into traffic? I mean I know people do (drugs, mental health issues), but these are not the same people soberly considering pedestrian safety messaging...It’s a good time to look at the ways we’re messaging to pedestrians, in my opinion. So below, I have listed some of the classic refrains, and why they are useless/insulting and rated them by how bad they are."
A mid-century relic of Virginia’s pedestrian infrastructure, next to the church-gas station, is coming down this summer
"One of Rosslyn’s few remaining skywalks is set to come down as part of an effort to realize a walkable corridor from one end of the neighborhood to the other...demolishing a skywalk over N. Nash Street, near the Arlington Temple United Methodist Church building and Sunoco gas station dubbed “Our Lady of Exxon.”