Portland: A year placing signs at every fatal traffic crash site
"My inspiration to place a sign at every fatal crash site came from a desire to help people see how widespread Portland’s road safety problem is and pay tribute to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice to our car-centric transportation system."
A tour of bike parking gems in southeast Portland
"Knowing that my destination has a secure, accessible place to lock my bike seals the deal and gives me an added peace of mind. I am more eager to patronize businesses that go the extra mile to accommodate bikers. And many times, secure bike parking is the deciding factor between biking or driving."
Teenager who died in Tualatin crash was riding some kind of electric motorcycle
"The teen was riding an Amyet S8. On the seller’s website, it’s advertised as an “electric bike” having a top speed of 35 mph and it comes with a dual-battery, 2000W motor — twice the legal size of an e-bike. Regardless of what the company or the police say, this is not an “e-bike” according to Oregon law."
Portland City Council Candidate Terrence Hayes:
"We’re still looking at the difference between the privilege of biking in relation to people that work from home, people that can afford, in whatever way, to not have to drive a car"
I've seen this claim before and I don't think it's correct. Poor people don't drive because they can't afford it. I can't find a good reference offhand though.
Portland: PBOT erects concrete barricades to deter drivers – and vandals – on NE 72nd Drive
"In a bid to prioritize bicycling and walking on this section of the street that’s considered a lynchpin of the 70s Neighborhood Greenway, PBOT installed signs and poles late last month. But anti-PBOT local residents repeatedly destroyed the infrastructure and used power tools to saw off heavy-gauge traffic poles and signs."