Are states using federal funds to repair and rebuild our roads and bridges with a focus on climate change mitigation, resilience, equity, and safety for all users?
HAHAHAHA, no, of course not. 50% of the money goes to highway expansions and resurfacing.
“Investments made over the course of the IIJA could cumulatively increase emissions by nearly 190 million metric tonnes of emissions over baseline levels through 2040 from added driving.“
Fueling the crisis - Transportation For America
Brookings: A survey of state transportation planning
This is a big complicated report and I haven't gone through it yet. But here's an introductory quote:
"It’s challenging to judge their approach to project selection or how they support local partners. This research inventories those practices for the first time.
Most states fail to measure their long-range performance goals, and 33 states fail to use any public-facing project selection systems."
Progress toward a driverless future hits the brakes
"Autonomous vehicles could make cities more livable, equitable and safe. Cruise and its competitor Waymo say their data shows these cars perform better than human drivers."
Just to be extra safe, though, they should put them on rails and maybe make them a lot bigger so they can carry a lot of people at once.
#Transport #UrbanPlanning #DriverlessCars
With no explanation, the D.C. government has delayed enforcement of $200 tickets for drivers who block bike and bus lanes.
"Transportation officials say they are extending the warning period indefinitely, citing a desire to have more time to educate drivers while offering little information about the future of a program that aimed to speed up buses."
D.C. delays issuing $200 tickets to drivers blocking bus lanes
Small cities are being cut off from the air travel network? Hey NPR, they need to build train lines not airports.
More small airports are being cut off from the air travel network. This is why
"You can’t change the United States from a country that builds subways for $2 billion/km in New York and $1 billion/km elsewhere to a country that does so for $200 million/km if all you ever do is talk to other’s even harder to sell infrastructure when it’s said to cost $300 billion to turn the Northeast Corridor into a proper high-speed line, where here it would cost $20 billion."
Pete Buttigieg, Bent Flyvbjerg, and My Pessimism About American Costs
Buttigieg, Whitmer pitch EV corridor with Canada
"The United States and Canada plan to launch what’s being described as a binational electric vehicle corridor stretching from Kalamazoo, Michigan, to Quebec City."
Too bad they decided to this instead of throwing down a high-speed rail line.
Lower income people tend to walk and bike more than wealthier Americans.
"After controlling for a number of observed and unobserved factors, we find that individuals in low-income, car-owning households are associated with up to 14% more walking trips and 33% more cycling trips in a week compared to higher-income households, on average. "
Ann Arbor's Transportation Commission wants to bump the bike and pedestrian infrastructure budget to 20% of the overall transporation budget, up from 5 percent.
Ooh, I bet the NIMBY's will be up in arms about that! Love to hear the city council debating it.
#AnnArbor #Michigan #transport #UrbanPlanning
Does Ann Arbor need more protected bike lanes? Issue at center of budget talks
A $100 Billion Lesson In Why Building Public Transportation Is So Expensive in the US
"The U.S. continually breaks its own records for most expensive track miles on Earth, stretching the realm of credulity on costs for projects big and small. The problem has existed for decades, but it has been allowed to metastasize to such an extent that it is difficult to even fathom where the money is going."
A $100 Billion Lesson In Why Building Public Transportation Is So Expensive in the US