Tackling the 800-lane gorilla in the room: Dayton should remove US 35
(I don't normally post about pie-in-the-sky projects, but I grew up pretty near Dayton)
"A future where US 35 no longer acts as a barrier but as a city street with a variety of uses and modes of transportation that connect Daytonians to one another. On the east side of I-75, there’s the possibility to reclaim over 100 acres of land currently occupied by the freeway"
VOICES: Tackling the 800-lane gorilla in the room: Dayton should remove US 35
Dayton: Why the Amazing “E-Link” Electric Bicycles Aren’t Around Campus Anymore
"Founded to enhance urban mobility, promote sustainable transportation, and provide “last mile” transportation throughout the urban core, the program provided accessible biking options for students and Dayton residents. However, factors like increased insurance costs and overall operational expenses have led to the difficult decision to halt services. "