Indiana House May Freeze Transportation Grants to Localities
"Cash-strapped local governments could soon pick from a broader menu of ways to self-fund transportation infrastructure — including through contentious delivery fees or township surplus funds — but wouldn’t get any more financial aid directly from the Statehouse.
“We need investment and assistance from the state, but this legislation doesn’t include it,” said Ryan Hoff"
Indiana House May Freeze Transportation Grants to Localities
How State DOTs Keep the Public In the Dark About How They Spend Our Transportation Dollars
"State departments of transportation across America face disturbingly little public transparency or accountability for how they spend our tax dollars — and as a result, we're often getting more highway expansions and fewer local projects that could give Americans the real mobility choices they deserve, a new analysis finds."
Hey, I found the Indiana Long Range Transportation Plan! I wonder what it says.
The contradictions in Winnipeg's new transportation plan
"The whole “new roads” angle really reads like someone wrote a good plan and then someone else came up behind them with a red marker to insert road expansions as a key priority in order to justify what they already want to do. It’s completely incoherent in the context of the rest of the plan."
#Winnipeg #Transportation #UrbanPlanning
Talk Is Cheap: How One City Hid Its True Intentions in the Fine Print
The Future Isn’t What It Used To Be: Changing Trends and Their Implications for Transport Planning
This is a very technical report with lots of charts and graphs detailing trends in transportation over the last hundred years. I think the biggest takeaway is that Peak Car happened about 15 years ago.
#UrbanPlanning #transportation #cars
SUVs Are Deadlier Than Cars — But on Fast Arterials, Pedestrians Die No Matter What
Tennessee's "117-percent increase in pedestrian deaths between 2009 and 2019 was tightly correlated with an increasing number of crashes on straight, multi-lane roads with speed limits over 35 miles per hour in urban and suburban areas"
#transportation #Tennessee #bancars
Study: Yes, SUVs Are Deadlier Than Cars — But on Fast Arterials, Pedestrians Die No Matter What — Streetsblog USA