Get Your Kicks On Route 66 With Pedestrian Safety
"This stretch of Chippewa, part of the historic Route 66 that enshrines an image of fast-paced freedom through automobility, is a current flash point in the negotiations between the public, many of whom do not own cars and rely on public transit, biking, and walking, and the powers who control how our streets are designed."
St. Louis’ Sad Suburban Design
"I once thought that driving would grant me a newfound freedom to get around St. Louis’ suburbs, but I’ve since realized that driving (and financing) a metal and glass box is a confining necessity, one that takes away from urban life. When I drive down stretches of Olive, Manchester, and Lindbergh, I feel empty and out of place."
Road Diets and Older Adults
"Overall, implementing road diets resulted in slower speeds on each of the three streets...drivers with amyloid plaques in the brain drove more slowly than drivers without. What was surprising, though, was that implementing a road diet caused the healthy (amyloid free) drivers to slow down but there was no slowing of the drivers with amyloid plaques."
#RoadDiet #UrbanPlanning #STLouis