Would you give up your parking for a lower rent?
"When given the choice between stable housing and very limited mobility versus unstable or delayed housing but near-unlimited mobility, some low-income families will opt for the latter just to keep their cars. Or they’ll give them up begrudgingly or try to sneakily own a car and park it somewhere on the street. This isn’t in a rural fringe; it is East Oakland. A dense, urban suburb"
Some on Sarasota's Downtown Improvement District question removal of Main Street parking
Same article I've seen a zillion times, but I liked that that they discussed how many spots there were, as well as how many they were going to get rid of. It would have been even better if the headline was, "Business owners feel that 2000 downtown parking spots aren't enough, object to losing 100 of them to make area pedestrian-friendly".
Some on Sarasota's Downtown Improvement District question removal of Main Street parking
How should parking be priced in college towns?
"These places also sometimes experience surges in demand for access to the central area that are seasonal or otherwise cyclical. In the summer, they are surreal—all or most of the amenities intended for a larger, denser population with far fewer people competing for them. Football Saturdays present the opposite problem: the city’s population may double half a dozen days a year"
@bloomington_in #parking #transit
Empty parking lots are a drag on America’s downtowns
"Our nation’s downtowns are full of these neglected spaces — surface lots of crumbling asphalt and weeds, emblematic of absentee property owners and a disregard for the public good. Other lots, not entirely abandoned, are often underused and unkept.
Surface lots occupy, on average, nearly a quarter of available land in city centers...They are holdover eyesores from the commuter past"
Santa Monica spends $26K to provide free car storage, reaps no benefits
"It is apparent that the 3 hours of free parking did not encourage people to visit the downtown parking structures during the 2023 holiday season. Much like the 2020 analysis referenced above, it can be concluded that “Parker behavior may be driven by accessibility to the amenities by the parking facility and less on the benefit of free parking.”
#SantaMonica #parking #CarsRuinEverything
How Cleveland Built a City Devoted to Parking—and How It’s Trying to Undo the Damage and Win Over Skeptics
"Since the 1960s, any single thing built in its borders was ordered by city code to include space for cars. The most glaring headache for developers—other than extending build time —is that parking lots and urban garages are, and have always been, insanely expensive"
Which comes first in East Lansing: Parking or affordable housing?
"A clash between surface-level parking and affordable housing ended in favor of the former as the City Council voted 3-2 against a mixed-used development at 530 Albert St., the site of a paid surface-level parking lot...with the exception of the six Saturdays each fall when MSU hosts home football games, there is enough space for visitors"
#EastLansing #UrbanPlanning #Parking
Which comes first in East Lansing: Parking or affordable housing? - City Pulse
Interesting parking commission discussion on Atwater. It goes from two lanes to three between Park and Faculty, which I never noticed. Should the extra lane be devoted to parking? A bike lane? Or do we wait for a full study of the Atwater corridor?
"It's not my duty as Mayor to make sure you have a parking spot. It's the same as if you bought a cow, or fridge, and then ask me where you're going to put them."
~Miguel Anxo, Mayor of #Pontevedra, #Spain (7 times re-elected).
(via Cycling Professor on X)
One of the more underreported findings from "The High Cost of Free Parking" was that there is a psychological barrier against parking out of sight of the destination. It's why walking a zillion miles across a Wal-Mart parking lot is acceptable but parking in a garage around the corner is not. Not sure what can be done about that. #Parking
Call it "Car Storage" rather than parking.
"To start, I think it’s important for us to use the phrase “car storage” over “parking.” This may seem trivial, but when you hear the phrase “car storage” you start to understand that we have been subsidizing the storage of private property in our public spaces for decades. And that space is not free to build."
This Dallas Coffee Shop Wants to Build Community. The City Wanted It to Build Parking Spaces.
"Due to an outdated parking code regulation, Sierra was required by the city to have 18 parking spots to accommodate its more than 1,600 square feet of restaurant space (which includes 400 square feet of a detached garage). Current city code requires at least one parking space for every 100 square feet for restaurants."
Good op-ed from the Los Angeles Times on dumping parking minimums.
"Rather than minimum requirements for parking, cities should be enforcing maximum limits for parking spaces per building. The state took action to improve density of development around transit stops. It’s now up to Los Angeles to end parking minimums more broadly, as cities such as San Jose, San Francisco and San Diego have already done."
#UrbanPlanning #parking #LosAngeles
Op-Ed: L.A. should stop requiring developers to waste space on parking
Sales were almost definitely not helped by free parking downtown. Setting aside the attraction for drivers of cruising the streets to find that one perfect parking space, and whatever parking meter revenue was given up by the city, there's no telling how many people took advantage of the free parking to let their cars sit and take up space for several hours.