Kansas City: Transit activists interrupt Jackson County Legislature to demand bus funding: ‘Do your job’
"About 50 people with climate activist group Sunrise Movement KC rallied at the Jackson County courthouse Monday. The group is calling on legislators to put a county-wide sales tax on the ballot...After kicking out the crowd, the Jackson County Legislature continued on with its meeting. Public transit funding was not on the agenda."
Transit activists interrupt Jackson County Legislature to demand bus funding: ‘Do your job’
Prospect Avenue, one of Kansas City's most dangerous roads, will get a federally-funded overhaul
I still worry about nice sidewalks alongside 50MPH traffic though.
"A 1.86 mile stretch of Prospect Avenue, between Linwood and Emanuel Cleaver II Boulevards...The money will be used to implement sidewalk and bus stop improvements, curb extensions, reflective backplates on traffic signals, pedestrian-level lighting and other safety improvements."
Prospect Avenue, one of Kansas City's most dangerous roads, will get a federally-funded overhaul
Kansas City knows which streets are most dangerous. Now, it’s trying to fix them
"Four-lane roads in Kansas City are a relic of urban sprawl in the 20th century. Now they’re emptier than ever, and traffic experts say that encourages dangerous driving...The Kansas City Council passed a resolution in October 2023 directing the city manager to study an automatic process for road diets on the city’s most dangerous streets."
#KansasCity #SafeStreets #UrbanPlanning
Kansas City knows which streets are most dangerous. Now, it’s trying to fix them